The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Liquid Freedom

The flow I enjoy to come and go,

As I please with or against the breeze,

Like water flowing without the resistance,

Of opportunities for autographs or selfies


It is the privilege of the obscure majority,

To live without resistance to our liquidity,

To not owe every gratitude to new found difficulties,

I don't want fame, let me stay a minority.

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There was a fight down at the beach today

Much to my horror and surprise

A large crowd stood there watching it

I could not believe my eyes


I saw a man who had a stick

Proceed to beat his wife

Blow on blow and on her head

To an inch within her life


The frenzied crowd just screamed for more

With a loud and raucous din

I got there as the Police turned up


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The City









I am on a crowded

city sidewalk,

the crowd sgueezes,

shoves and pushes.

Like blood through

a too small artery.


Claustrophobia threatens

to swallow me.

A small opening appears,

I rush to it. But it quickly

fills in and once again,

the crowd squeezes, shoves

and pushes.


I reach my desti...

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