bitter and twisted (Remove filter)

Hell knows no fury

How come
The heart-wrenching
And the  unexpected
Widow's grief

The lady in black
Soon defying
Funeral decorum
Put on pink clothes
Decency that lack
Simply to attack
A deceased
Cheating husband
Whose unfaithfulness
Kept in the dark
Soon after funeral
Became stark!

Aghast adultery
Hell knows no fury.

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adulteryangrybitter and twistedcheatingconfusiongriffparadoxsadunfaithfulness

Twisted love

Drown my cries with your silent screams,
Push my fears away with your shaking hands.
Listen to me with your deafened ears,
Nod and pretend to actually understand.

Hold me down while I continue to fly,
Look at me through your blinded eyes.
Pretend to see the person you want to,
And tell the truth through your broken lies.

Smile at me through your bleeding tears, 
Push me down as you ca...

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bitter and twistedloveno matchbrokencheat. lie

The Rational Animal

I did not ask,
I did not ask to emerge from the firmament,
I did not ask to grow, and learn, and make mistakes and start over,
I did not ask to feed a whole soul by way of wide-eyed wonder,

I did not ask,
To consider my self,
To bear the burden of loving a stranger,
To practice the discipline of forgiving,

I did not ask,
To find my way in the dark and reach out to touch the only force...

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Reflectionmodern lifehumanitybitter and twisted

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