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I’m that friend

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Yes, I’m that friend that’s mean but true.

Forever trying to look out for you.


I’m that friend that’s firm but fair,

But at the end of each heartbreak, I’m always there.


I’m that friend that will constantly scold you to see,

That you’re not being the best you that you can be.


I’m that friend that calls you a fool;

When you let everyone else use you like a broken tool.


I’m that friend that will make you laugh and cry,

But I’m also that friend that will never dare lie…


I’m that friend that will never sugar coat shit,

And expect you to play along with it.


I’m that friend that will call out every dirty,

Hell, I’m even that friend that might get a bit flirty.


But I’ll always be that friend that will give you that lift,

That friend that when mad, refuses to drift.


I’m that friend that you wish could be a little more gentle,

I might be a jerk but I’m still sentimental.


I’m that friend that will support you through success and sorrow,

And even through our fights, still be there tomorrow.


I’m that friend that can be brutal, harsh and mean,

But I’m that friend that shows you more love than you’ve ever seen.


Because I am that friend who only wants best,

For every damned friend that resides in his chest.


So you can think me mean, sharp and cruel,

And I can think you a soft, emotional fool.


But we aren’t going to change, regardless of time.

I’ll still be ‘that friend’ and you’ll still be mine.


friendshipnever giving uphonestytruthreal friend

◄ Left behind

I hate goodbyes ►


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 10th Feb 2024 11:25

Thanks F.Jae,
"mean but true".

I've read somewhere that the best friend is someone who will hold up a mirror in which to view ourselves.

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