The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Aspirations (Remove filter)

Envy and Aspirations

It must be nice to be intelligent -
And have many a clever thought.
And also to have endless skills,
And remember all you have been taught.

It must be nice to solve all problems -
Whether simple or complex.
And to have a brain full of knowledge,
Which you've learnt from your subjects.

It is must be nice to be envied
For having lots of special talents,
And for completing different cha...

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Stuart VannerEnvyAspirations

Imposter Begets Imposter?

Who am I

why do I

when will I

where can I

Answers elude

My identity un-formed and crude


Mother pretends

The show never ends

Until the curtain is drawn 

All the doors are closed and simulations suspend


I don't know who I am

Give anything to be sure

Stand firm in my convictions 

On both sides of the door


No duplicity here

All masks removed


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aspirationsfake lovehopenarcissistic abuserelationships

A Flight of Fancy



A Flight of Fancy


Imagine to be an aviator

To leave terra-firma and fly

To unlock the shackles of gravity

Be weightless, and reach for the sky

John and Macko were only thirteen

So how could they dream such a thing?

Two working-class lads, from Grimstone Low

With ambitions to take to the wing

They were both academically average

And failing at school, it ...

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Deemed Rapture









Some day in the future

dawn will break again


None be grudges nursed

 or space  for any disdain


Where vales be pristine

 living modest and plain


Bliss ...

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