The Gobble-de-Gooke monster is playing with my words
The gobble-de-gooke monster is playing with my words
Making them come out backwards,
Making them sound absurd.
I would say something to the Gobble-de-gooke monster
But it all comes out wrong
What can I do if his power over me so strong
It upsets my muse
I would write a poem but these words I wouldn’t choose
I always loose my train of thought when that monster is about
...Friday 28th November 2008 10:04 am
eat her whole!
Eat her whole
knickers and soul
take her sexuality and use it to feed your own.
don’t whatever you do die alone
every dog needs a bone
and every dog as they say will have its day
she’s a woman you’re a man
what more is there to understand?
We are talking chemistry
We are talking about the lust you keep in your cage
In the metaphorical basement of your mind
Monday 24th November 2008 10:52 pm
conquer yourself rather than the world
Conquer your self rather than the world!
I am taking back this body which belonged to me at birth.
Cementing what I know and my self worth
from those who caused me harm
and made my heart bleed
I need nothing but the love inside of me
to be set free from its cage
of inhibition and mirrors of other peoples lives
but still my hope survives within
they try to make m...
Tuesday 11th November 2008 4:20 pm
how do you define insanity
How do you define insanity?
Insanity for me is having voices
none of which are my own.
Being in a crowd but still feeling alone
the shattering of personality the breaking of form
nothing but the norm in an everyday world,
sanity on the flipside is about living without regret
but who can say they really are free of that regret
but do they let it ruin their lives?
Saturday 8th November 2008 7:15 pm
Poets never die they just fade way into their own words
Poets never die they just fade way into their own words
They are the light at the end of tunnel
These words line the pages of history and funnel outwards
They are me and I am them
They are the stem from which my thoughts flower
They are the real power to change the world
Can I help it that I am giving way to these words
And fading into pages of pen and ink
...Monday 20th October 2008 11:51 am
faces under hoods in an urban sprawl
Faces under hoods in a urban jungle sprawl
Their backs up against the wall
We gave them rings and blingy things
we gave them TV, video games
but no chances
we gave them no direction
and they made no advances
because they were disenfranchised from society
demonised unquietly
in the media they were savaged
in law they were ravaged by asbos and court orders
TV sho...
Monday 20th October 2008 10:06 am
we join the dots
It all starts with a dot
A mark of pen that forms a letter
And then a word then a sentence then a paragraph
It all starts with a dot of ink
A blink of an eye capturing a thought,
an ideal something abstract
Something real
We join the dots
We form an equation
We form an answer
We join the dots
2+2 must equal four
we open the minds door
we make logic whe...
Thursday 16th October 2008 9:38 pm
death by chocolate
I could drown in your eyes tonight
I could fall into your eyes and fade away
One kiss could complete me
One touch could heal my wounded soul
I‘d need no other lover
Only you
I have no control
It would be death by chocolate just to be yours
And you mine
But the lines of fate don’t always meet
And all I get it a fleeting glimpse
An imitation of love when you se...
Sunday 28th September 2008 10:56 am
Iam the message
I am the message I inspire
set souls on fire
a vestige of hope in days of darkness
I speak words of revolution
i can be the solution if you act now
so don't detract from the words I am saying
and the message given
which is driven home with concrete verbs and feeling
sealing the change for the future
i teach i nuture souls with love and not disdain
i heal the pain of the poor
but i shame the guilty with words...
Friday 19th September 2008 7:34 pm
lifes pendulmn
Sometimes in seeing we don’t always see.
And being we don’t always just be.
We all make mistakes
Life gives but always takes
Freedom is not about just being free
Sometimes it’s about just being me
Sometimes we hide our feelings undercover
When being possessed by our lover
In laughing and crying maybe it’s not best to ask why
We choose to resist
Ignorance is bliss
...Wednesday 3rd September 2008 3:52 pm
what is like to be left without words
This is what is like to have no words
All my words have been cut from my tongue
and I have been left mute
All words I have ever written have been burnt away like paper
All the words I have thought or thought to say have faded
like mental decay or memory loss
and I am left with nothing
but silence
other peoples words invade my space
Monday 11th August 2008 6:54 pm
This is England
This is England
Land of the brave
Land of the free
Land of the CCTV
Land of big brother in nanny state clothes
When will people finally realise nobody knows!
Land of terrorism on the news
Land of liberal views
Land of the prim and the proper
Land of being done by a copper if your drunk and disorderly
Its nothing out of the ordinary
Land of accents and regional twang
Land of literature and cockney rhyming slan...
Sunday 6th July 2008 4:20 pm
this was supposed to be the future!
This was supposed to be the future
Living on the moon
Space rockets and space travel
Maybe we peaked too soon
Teleportation and psychic control
Telekinesis technology and Jedi like souls
Necking pills for our food
Robot partners for the average dude
Time machines travelling through the ages
A half week and great wages
Microchips in brains for extra brain power
Weapons that would make the average alien cower
Thursday 3rd July 2008 9:21 am
poetry is movement without effort
Poetry is movement without effort
Poetry should take you to places far beyond what your eyes
can see
Take you to places where you can be free
Poetry is movement without effort
all you have to do is think and feel
and it will move you
and make your experiences real
poetry can cause pictures to form in your mind
speak a thousand verbs a thousand nouns or a thousand rhymes
all written for you to experience o...
Wednesday 18th June 2008 12:00 am
and hands that are worn
I grasp the nettle
I cling to the new dawn
though the storm surrounds me
compounds and breaks my back
I thirst for longing of the love that i now lack
Monday 2nd June 2008 10:07 pm
here is the revolution
Here is the revolution
We’ll take back God
From all the you Christians you Muslims and sheiks
Because you have been preaching
Words that don’t teach love
The most important truth of all
Your words just divide us like walls
We fall like fools
In amongst the bullets and bombs
Now our sombre songs now fill your temples churches and
Where we you hold God as an hostage for all to see
and hand him out on ...
Monday 2nd June 2008 10:01 pm
beyond good and evil
I am the answer that lies in between the cracks of ying and yang
I am the song John Lennon sang
I am humanties only hope
for freedom without fear
what is truth
what is evil
what is good
can't you see the boundaries are blurred
can't you see beyond your own convulted words
love that doesn't acknowledge fear and hate
will only happen when we levitate
when we rise above the concepts of good...
Sunday 25th May 2008 9:52 pm
Fired from a barrel of a gun I make no distinction
between right and wrong
I tear through them both
I am like humanities extinction an act of hate condensed
from all forms
Whether shot for reasons right or wrong
I will bring bloodshed and violence wherever I travel
I might start a war
End a life
I will always sow seeds of strife
But the real perpetuat...
Monday 12th May 2008 12:31 pm
The royal we
The royal we
We craft
We build
We bleed
We heal
We toil
We sow seeds in the soil
We love
We hurt
We blurt out words that steal
We bless
We curse
We fill our purse
We give
We receive
We believe
We doubt
We can’t find a way out.
We think
We reason
We count
We can’t find the right amount
Sunday 27th April 2008 12:21 pm
The anarchist in all of us
The anarchist in all of us
Wants to burn bras and slash pants
Doesn’t want humanity to be organised like a kingdom of ants
Wants to be obscene and dreams of swearing at the queen
Likes the sex pistols and punk
Wants to be a rebel and not to conform
And hates the norm
Wants to ban all religion except love and to be free
Wants to wrestle with the God above
and give the...
Saturday 26th April 2008 11:44 am
All words become me
All words become me
They reflect what I feel
Sometimes I want to hide from them
and stem the tide of words
but outside my window the storm of words is brewing
and I am stewing inside.
outside the wind of words is breaking against my wall
outside phrases are hammering like rain against my window
eventually they will breakthrough the window and like
they will flash out of my mouth.
Saturday 19th April 2008 7:47 pm
walking talking contradiction
Walking talking contradiction
Counter clockwise rhythm
has got you dancing to a different beat
your body and mind moves forward
while you heart and soul retreat
you talk small think big
while you dig your own grave
while trying to save others
brother slow down
you act like a superhero clown
while laughing crying and wearing a frown
people can’t tell whether yo...
Thursday 20th March 2008 7:00 pm
Generation lost
Generation lost
I wasn’t born in generation X
I got lost well before we got to that letter
I wasn’t born a jet setter
I just make use of air travel
I find myself trying to find a reason
For my life somewhere between God and evolution
I think I will find the solution
In between trying not to get drunk with my mates
and getting a job that I can enjo...
Tuesday 4th March 2008 5:39 pm
A person is made up different parts all trying to gain influence or control
Call me a dog
I don’t need a leash
Call me your ID capeche (understand)
I don’t need restraint
Do you really need to live your life like a saint?
You just need to give your body what it needs
Your desires need to be fore filled.
Then on to the next one
then on to the next one
I’ll take you from A-B
Stick with me
eat drink have sex and be merry
...Monday 25th February 2008 9:58 am
more than just words to me!
There is no poetic distance between me and this page
It is here I vent my love and my rage
I live and die by this pen from which I write
I catch sight of things I don’t normally see
and I find a clearer vision of me
I find empowerment from the force of creativity
in creating rhymes and verses from nothing
but ink and paper
they for now are my saviour
I gain insight
Friday 22nd February 2008 10:10 am
can you look beyond the Shallow?
Can you look beyond the shallow?
To find a deeper meaning which is true.
Can you look beyond the shadows?
To find a philosophy for you
Can you find hope in times of madness?
to bring you through your despair
can you find strength and guidance
in the books over there
can you find faith
in actions good works and deeds done
can you find solace when the game is lost and not won
can keep bo...
Monday 11th February 2008 7:01 pm
I am the silence when you are talking
When you travel by car I’ll be walking
When you are arguing I’ll be at peace
I’ll be the pages in the book you’ll be the crease
You’ll be the night I’ll be the star
Shining bright from afar
You’ll be the gun I’ll be the bird in flight
That you miss
You’ll be the punch I’ll be the kiss
You’ll be the heartache and I’ll be the bliss
Thursday 7th February 2008 6:08 pm
There are days when we toy with innocence
There are days when wear despair as our clothes
Days when we truly open our eyes
Days when we want to keep them closed
Days when we have to restrain the pain from our hearts
and there are days when that pain departs
days when we feel loved in the morning when we wake
and days when we feel so far away from that love
that we just have to hold on and...
Saturday 26th January 2008 10:26 am
a sensitive soul just entered onto the stage wearing something silly!
I am deadly serious don’t laugh at me
If you do
I’ll think you did it intentionally
To put me down
I am no clown
I wear a frown
I try to be macho
If you laugh I’ll try to catch you
Bring you down with a rugby tackle
After that laugh or that cackle
I am deadly serious
It wasn’t just a turn of phra...
Friday 18th January 2008 8:55 pm
I held you like a diamond in my hands
I held you like a diamond in my hands
But you were sharp and cut me
And still I held you close even more
I would not be parted.
I bled and my hands were sore
But I wanted you to be close
You were so lovely and full of value in other-
people’s eyes
but my eyes were sore from tears
and the sighs from my lungs had grown heavy.
I had to let you go
I dropped you and you were gone
But I b...
Friday 18th January 2008 10:01 am
Darwin's Daughter
Darwin’s daughter
She looks for a man with the best genes or genetics and aesthetics
Who has made millions or billions from being smart
She cares little for the poor she has no heart
She believes in euthanasia and in nazi led eugenics
She stands for capitalism for getting rich quick money is the saviour
She thinks religion is the opiate of the poor
and of no consequence to modern life
Monday 14th January 2008 11:22 am
A computer virus called love
A computer virus called love!
Please wait…..
I am loading a virus onto your hard drive and your brain
Its called love and it’ll drive you insane
It’ll set fuse your megabytes together
all your wires will be set on fire
your keyboard keys will implode
your mouse will run off scared
fearing it might explode.
your monitor’s colours will go a funky shade of red or pink
you’ll ...
Sunday 13th January 2008 9:09 pm
The hourglass
The hourglass
Did you lose your spark to the everlasting dark?
Did you lose the light from your eyes,
in breathing those breathless sighs?
As the light in your heart dies
A painful disdain
begins to reign supreme
in the daydream that pretends to dream free
but ends with all the hellish glare of a nightmare
caught in the glimpsing cold stare of void sealed dreams
and themes of sadness ...
Sunday 6th January 2008 6:59 pm
word play
A big thankyou to all the people who commented last time!
here's a new one
Word play
Words are dancing across the page,
I guess they want to come out to play.
They are dancing the mambo, the tango, and the fandango
-to a disco beat
they are playing games with my feet.
Dancing through my fingers and toes
where they are off to nobody knows
dancing down the street I suppose,
To play ...
Thursday 3rd January 2008 10:42 pm
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