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Rolph David on Ignore Me
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Rolph David on new day
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Rolph David on A queue
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Rolph David on Leaving Room for Errors
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Rolph David on And That's Okay
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Rolph David on Puppets of Greed
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Yanma Hidayah on And That's Okay
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Rolph David on Puppets of Greed
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Rolph David on Puppets of Greed
2 hours ago


Trails I leave fingerprints in houses proof that I was there I leave love letters in postboxes to be delivered proof that i care
my poems i publish on the web digital thoughts for people to stop and read i leave paper trails, bank statements receipts of transactions for things i need I am of course more than the sum of my parts but leaving trails is an art paper trails, thoug...

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trailsdan hooks poet poetry alienpoet

The domino effect

The dominoes fall in line.
The hour glass trickles away time.
you cannot stray from your path you cannot get away
for fate and free choice are enemies vying for power
and the domino effect has you within its grasp hour by hour
we all want the end.
armageddon fires and to descend into chaos
for utopian dreams are too hard and too way off
freedom drains away in this technological world
like sand through cup...

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geek tragedy


Tragedy me,

Oh alas

You can see it in my face

I made the wrong choices listening to all those negative voices

That I followed and swallowed like a chocolate cup cake whole

Instead of letting it pass my lips

Or spitting it out

I doubt I will ever be able to sort it out

I traded love for alienation

Work for boredom

Depression saturates me like vinega...

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poetrypoetdan hooksdanalienpoet

Rendition of my heart


There was no warning

It is like you broke down my door

Stole away my heart and left me on the floor

You stormed into my life

Now all I can think of is you

You have taken my heart

put it on a plane never to be seen again

its like rendition

and I know I have not got permission

to take it back

I used to be a love terrorist plotting all types of mischief


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dan hooks poet poetry alienpoet

The question of life

silence like violence caters for many

 so I am just silent

in this world of words

a poet with few  verbs

and one or two  nouns

I wear a frown

underneath my mask

with my sadness bottled I drink from its flask

endless answer searching

perching  like a sparrow on a branch

waiting for fate to crush me like an avalanche

I can never fly high enough

 to avoid the ...

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To just be!

“This rage this fear I hold it close with a tear

this pain this uncertainty bears impermanence”

we are time travellers

life unravellers

but we decay the end of the day

 we are not eternal

 but our concepts live on

and grow beating wings

and fly off into eternity

from day one we are born with soft flesh

soft mesh we have no armour plating

scars form on our bodi...

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Introduction to my poetry

This is not just another piece of paper with writing scrawled on it

These are not just words written to go in the bin

You may think my poetry’s as joke but my patience is wearing thin

This not just a rant form the pulpit of this poetry preacher

I seek to show my ability even as a teacher

This is not just doggerel a pathetic verse that gets progressively worse

This is my po...

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Please love this naked heart

Strip my words down,

every laugh

every frown

every action, thought and desire

I will make them clear before they expire.

Before they pass their sell by date and decay.

I will be a slave.

I will give you my all

I will scrawl poetry to win you over

Every cloud will have a silver lining for you

Every deed you do will have a lucky clover

I hope you will see the h...

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Attack of the heart

Attack of the heart

Some people think it’s great

Some people think its fine

To have a heart like mine

That makes me do what is right

 So I always end up in a good light

they don’t know that sometimes its a curse

and it does nothing to fill my wallet

to buy ethical brands

don’t these people understand?

that when my heart attacks and rules my head


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The Pretender



You were a young pretender

on a mad bender

trying to protect a crown not of your own.

Alone you stood

as mountains of gold turned to dust and rust

You tried to gain your bread, your crust

but the skin the flesh grows weak.

Holy bread can sustain you cried the Christians

manna from heaven cried the Jews

the Buddhists said you have the freed...

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pretenderking of nothingdan hooks poet poetry alienpoet

I am the fly in your ointment

I am the fly in your ointment

The dis in your disappointment

The tick that burrows in under your skin

The joke that wears thin

The last laugh you didn’t have

A Luke warm bath

The dirt under your finger nails

The win that rips your sails

The mirror you broke

The fumes with which you choke

A split in your tea bag

An annoying over talking wag

A cock crowing a...

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The strange death of a poet


The poet in question was always writing words

they were always written down as fast as lightening.

His poems grew larger than life

His muse became his wife

but if he couldn’t write he felt too much strife

his words, his verses, his stanzas began to swallow him whole

writing came out of ears and out of his soul.

They started to tattoo him in unfortunate places


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She casts a shadow longer than the night

Fear has nested down and it won’t take flight

She wishes every day to be dead

Once she was God’s favourite they walked hand in hand

Now they are barely on speaking terms

She yearns to be free

Will the curse be lifted?

They called her a snake in the grass

Tie her to the mast!

Burn her at the stake!

All she wanted was to be ...

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The sparrow speaks

The sparrow speaks


The middle path weeps a thousand tears

As a thousand fears are laid to rest

was I a good man did I pass the test?....

while God and the devil wept about their failed marriage

the child of neutrality saw clarity and carried on living

forgiving everyone who had ever hurt him

knowing that one day they would turn to dust

and without trust they would ...

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Here I am with all my poems unpublished.

A two bit poet with nothing but youth and a strong heart to go for it.

People won’t take me seriously without being published by a big poetry press

but to do that I have to be published by non existent poetry magazines

and it cause me heartache and stress.

Nevertheless I send my poems away

I get more rejection letters day by day.


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pieces of heroism

Pieces of heroism hide within this heart

only small but sometimes they come to the surface

like when I see someone being told they are worthless

or being bullied by the bigger and so called better

being a hero is standing up for what you believe

believing you can achieve in the face of negative criticism, ridicule and cynicism

being a hero is speaking out when you see somet...

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love and lust

The beast in me sees the beast in you

and I see what I want to do

Lust catches me unawares

I stare into your eyes and look you up and down

You are the water in which I want to drown

the flames in which I want to burn

I am like a savage caveman who wants to conquer you like Genghis Khan

But I would do you no harm

Your arms would be the charm around my neck

Your legs...

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Letters to people telling them our truth

giving them imagery, our proof.

Doorways that never shut into places we have never seen

emotional content that never relents or let us know

What it means to be human.

Snapshots into daily life

Dreams past and present of how we can change the lives we lead

and how we got there the struggles that made us sweat and bleed

and som...

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The chalice of life

I have drunk from the chalice of life

Look into my eyes

A portal of lies

Dare you walk through?

Innocence is bliss

Ignorance’s kiss is what we need without it!


The blind lead the blind but you say you don’t mind

I have seen eternity

Balls of fire burning bright

In the sky of never ending darkness and chaos

You say God created this

What I say this is God...

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We could be one!


Object of my desire do you know about the lust I keep in the cage of my heart?

Which like a rabid dog threatens to rip me apart

or break free of its cage of me humanity.

It tests my sanity sometimes, this need, this want, this desire.

But deep down I know its wrong this feeling so strong.

Without love what is love but animal passion waiting to take hold

Ready to burn ...

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The artist and the poet needs dirt to paint humanity.


His eyes were wild

but in him was found the heart of a child.

The souls around him stood amazed

But he was unfazed

Their praise was lost on him.

But the sterilised hearts of his enemies used to cause him grief

they lacked heart they lacked belief

it became evident that as human beings

we need a bit of dirt and not always perfection.

Imperfections made him ...

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beyond human (ascension)

We work, we sweat blood

We exchange childhood tears for fears.

We exchange lies for excuses

telling ourselves we are useless.

In amongst the clammer, the dust, and the heat

we repeat the same mistakes that we keep-

in the desert place of our soul.

We feel we have no control

angst becomes ingrained in hearts

Will we repeat the same mistakes or determine our own fate?


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A warrior’s poem



My anger bleeds my innocence away

Until all I am left with is the silence like after a question

In my mind I carry the suggestion

That I might be better off laughing my anger away

But I feel better being angry and seeing

My anger like the blood red flag it seems to be

Seemingly I wave it around trying to attract the bull and take it by the horns

Like my lif...

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Human shield

Human shield


You are the man who takes the hit

But still gets on with it.

You are the man who takes the verbal bullets,

who doesn’t hide away from the spiritual daggers thrown his way.

A life lived with purpose rather than disarray

You will endure fear and loathing

And through it all you won’t fall

Even though your backs up against the wall

You will stand...

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paint it black


Your life’s turning old.

The mirrors becoming cold cracked and frozen to the touch

it’s all becoming too much.

Your life’s dangling by a thread.

Living life under the murmur of dread

heartaches never far away

From your bleeding heart

Which makes you a restless sleeper a midnight weeper.

You creep like a sleep walker

Stalking life like it’s your prey.


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I smashed myself

I smashed a thousand reflections of myself in different mirrors the otherday!
each mirror showed a different reflection not of my own.
I melted them down into glass again
made them into on giant mirror
and smashed it again with a big pebble.
Its not that I don't like my reflection its the baggage I carry
which causes me pain and anger
I wish I could smash myself and reform the real me into-
an expression...

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Corporate Christ!

Corporate Christ!


You’ve taken root

In your corporate suit.

You're officially owned

Loaned out to the highest bidder.

As your soul begins to wither

no one can save you.

Your best efforts are left at the foot of your crucified body.

Now sponsorship deals

reveal more about you

than you first knew

everything is sponsored even your baby blue eyes,

you dream...

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endless living death without you!

Endless death without you!



Imagine being alive but dead

Like a zombie with no brain inside its head

Imagine being a vampire without a soul,

An eternity living but no reason just a hole

Imagine being a werewolf

Cursed to be a animal without thought

with the nightmare of knowing what every full moon brought

imagine all these things

imagine being cursed


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you will judge us from afar



Here I am sandwiched between the pages of history

the future and the past.

With the present day too fleeting to last.

I must write to understand what I have become,

and am becoming within these pages.

Though history rages on

Like a never ending funeral dirge

when it could have been so much more.

I could have been more as well

but you will never tell that from w...

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The A-Z of love



Attached at the hip

We care about each other

A kiss from a pair of lips

Shows we love each one another

The warmth of two hearts

Goes best together

May we never be apart

May we be always entwined

Your heart and mine!





Your smile warms the room

Lights up the gloom

In which I hide

I try to run and hide

But our ...

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omega sunset

Omega sunset



I used to think I knew everything

But that everything has now faded into something

and that something seemingly to nothing.

I grasp at worn out memories

of actions I have done in the past

but they cannot sustain me, they cannot last.

In the end I will ask myself what I have learned

from this experience this life

this strange ever changing fr...

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Darwin versus religion

Darwin versus religion


Survival of the fittest

Favours the pitiless

Favours the strong

But it is anti religious so how can it be wrong?


Where can I start!

The strong always eat the weak.

First law of the natural world

but we human’s are at its peak

we can think for ourselves

we have morality

we have a clarity a depth of thought

we can decide wh...

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Revolutionary road

Revolutionary Road


Roads don’t just appear they are laid down

I will lay my own if I have to

So screw your slave to wage attitude

Screw your have to have a lover or a wife

way of life

screw your pathetic, apathetic way of thinking

screw your drinking and drug taking for kicks

there must be more to this damned life than that!

Screw your buying of home or flat


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This poet bleeds ink

This poet bleeds ink

Thinks in verse

Speaks in rhyme

Every heart beat makes it worse

He is the poem

He is the poetry he feels deep inside

Every moment he lives to write

: to master words

: to conjure a rhythmic flow

: to understand  more than he knows

: to capture streams of the conscious mind

and follow the unconscious lines of abstract thought

out of mi...

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I am a poet I bleed ink (draft)

I am a poet I bleed ink

I think in verse

This is my gift and my curse

But it’s worth creating a poem and giving it form

Creating a piece of poetry and watching it being born

then watching it touch people’s lives

in ways you never thought possible

but all things are possible where poetry is concerned!

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sleeping with eyes open

Sleeping with eyes open


When life starts to go stagnant

and bleeds into decay

and people tell you not to be dismal

but all you know is your own dismay

you think the same things

believe the same lies

the same perspective drawn pierce through your eyes

claustrophobia is all you have

you are in debt to life’s tab

sitting in your bedroom clutching at straws


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