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Rolph David on Ignore Me
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Rolph David on Leaving Room for Errors
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Rolph David on And That's Okay
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Rolph David on Puppets of Greed
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Yanma Hidayah on And That's Okay
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Rolph David on Puppets of Greed
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Rolph David on Puppets of Greed
2 hours ago

my best poems of 2007

my best poems of 2007


My words collapse like deck chairs

they can no longer stand

they are meaningless and they never come out like I planned

they fold up and lay on the floor

like they don't want to play anymore

I try to say more to cover my tracks

so people can't say anything back

or I retract what I've just said

leave the sentence I've just said for dead

but still I can never tal...

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Broken windows

Shattered glass

Hell on earth, do you have to ask!

Night time creatures come out to play

moonlight fear has its way,

owls howl,

wolves growl,

cowards cower in the midnight hour

people run until the dawn sun

I am glad it’s over I hate the dark

But when shadows fall

and the cold moon glows bright

it will happen again in the night

waiting for the sun to rise


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words tattoo my soul and quotations

Words tattoo my soul

Everything I have ever written is who I am

They are a better representation of myself.

Than this fragile body,

than my words spoken,

Which are the things you want to hear me say

they are the token things I say everyday

I choose the words I write carefully

With anger love pain and poise

These words are my choice

Between actor and person

My voice comes from my poems


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To change the world!

It is not enough to be a poet and want to change the world

It is not enough to love others and suffer for their sake

If your suffering is done alone and all your loved ones do is take

It is not enough to speak with words and do no actions or deeds

You must be the way, the truth, you must be alive you must be free

You must be the proof.

Liberation comes when we learn to let go of what we kno...

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the escape artist and the man in the mirror.








Take this man wrap him up with morals ideals which form his chains

Bind him up with regrets and pains

That he can’t heal

Steal his love give him something fake

Use him abuse him at your whim

Weigh him down put the weight of the world on his shoulders

Tell him his inadequacies remind him of his faults

Then push him into the sea of tears with a jolt

Now lets see if he ...

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letter to my mother

You said you’d always love me when you smacked me and I cried

But that was a lie

Here’s an open hand

Here’s a kiss

Here’s an open hand

Here’s a fist

I came from your womb

You suckled me from your breast

But then came the test

When I learned to speak and be naughty

When I learned to be an individual when I rebelled

You said I’d changed you said I’d go to hell

Now I find your love was ...

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poem lost

I lost a poem yesterday

It went out of my mind, it went away

I tried to grab it before it went

But then I realised it was never meant for me to write that day.

One day it may come back

I may be able to pen it before it leaves

I want to give it form I want my poems to breathe

The best poems are the ones that wake us up in the middle of the night

and then they take flight

not before they ar...

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God put on trial

I heard they have put God on trial in america in nebraska thes are my thoughts on the matter!



God put on trial


You are charged with genocide

with causing natural disasters hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons and tidal waves

you are charged with allowing the slave trade

you are charged with being omnipotent being everywhere at all times

but still allowing every conceivable crime


I ...

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