The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

suicide held at bay (Remove filter)

Left behind

Gone but never forgotten, is what they love to say,

but those waves will still hit, like nuclear shit,

Since the day we parted ways.


Just like that radioactive breath, that rots us to the core,

And eats us away, day by day, until once was becomes no more.


See the peace for you becomes my pain, your dreams became my twisted reality,

For the agony that you leave behind, w...

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loss of lifegriefsuicide held at baythose left behindlovefriendship





To be a Goth, do I have to suffer so? Have loneliness burn into my soul, sadness fill my heart, loss bring me to my knees?

All I have is my life and a few songs to help me by in this endless grey world of mine,

no Goth girl to save me, no real escape from this morose existence to gain ascendancy to the heavens.

A soul mate I yearn for, to escape the barest mini...

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lifedarknessaloneendsuicide held at baymusicgothic

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