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Unveilings 18: 7-12
Unveilings 18: 7-12
Daytime, nighttime, all the time is a time to be, to be seen, to care to be. To leave oneself inside oneself and never deny yourself that being. Seeing is believing, they say, but I can’t see a good reason to believe the good is good anymore. Moments before the fall, they say, a deliverance unto man, they say. But hey who are we to know what’s best for ourselves, our welfare...
Wednesday 8th January 2025 5:14 pm
Becoming slowly unrecognizable to yourself and others
Feelings and thoughts take
a hold, giving you the shudders
Memories and emotions that seem to flood your heart
Faces and places making it hard to know where to start
Decisions throughout the day, waiting to be made
Resting again in bed where it all just seems to fade
Urges of wanting help yet not knowing what to say
Triggers causing you...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:13 pm
There's something about this season, Spring
Waking up to birds as they, sing
Trees and its blossom show subtle, pinks
Clouds and rain, for thr earth now drinks
The sun reappears, having such a glow
As if it were trying to say, hello
I go to the garden to walk around
To see what other things are found
Butterflies with their colorful wings
How this season holds such beautiful, things.
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:08 pm
A Ghastly Evening
All the ghosts have gone to bed,
We say goodbye to our honored dead,
To the horizon they are lead,
As we contemplate what they said.
The veil was deftly traveled,
Guided by voices, acting like scaffold,
Loved ones called to be dazzeled,
As the world of the living becomes unraveled.
Not just love ones cross that veil,
Evil comes without fail,
Sprinitng across...
Friday 1st November 2019 3:35 pm
The Silent Scream
Hall clock, tick tock
front door, knock knock
turn of handle, unlock.
She lies in bed, unawares
footsteps, creaking stairs
back of neck raised hairs.
She sensed a presence next to bed
fear, panic, a sense of dread
afraid to breathe or raise her head.
She feels a hand around her waist
and smells his breath against her face
it's stale, unclean and alcohol based.
He's here to harm...
Saturday 15th June 2019 12:49 am
The Lighthouse
I bought a piece of land, for my family and me,
to build a perfect home on a plot beside the sea.
I employed a local Surveyor to help draw up the plans,
to build my family dream house on the beach near ‘Ainsdale Sands’
He came and took some measurements and samples from the plot,
and I asked if he could include the moorings for a yacht.
The Surveyor did recommend a custom built lighthouse.
Thursday 13th June 2019 3:24 pm
Writing in Rhyme
Please consider watching this slam live on Youtube (with subtitles):
I can’t help writing in rhyme. I do it all the time.
Rhymes sneak into my texts unbidden
Or if they’re not there, or are too well hidden
Their absence clangs like a bell
And I feel compelled to find them somewhere… bear, care, dare, hair, tear… repair, despair…
...Wednesday 19th September 2018 8:37 pm
You Should Have Been Here Yesterday (Copenhagen Unicorns And Stockholm Starfish)
You should have been here yesterday
Ten thousand flamingos danced all over the square
A bouquet of jasmine blooms filled the air
Golden geese spiralled a mid-air fanfare
Peace doves gently dropped ribbon boxes of chocolate eclairs
You should have been here yesterday
Billionaires gave away their mansions and wares
Rare paintings
and rare cars
with fre...
Friday 20th May 2016 2:13 pm
I’m on fire
A burning bed ignites me
I sleep
so you can dream,
inside of me
I sleep so we can speak
I do not try when I’m awake
What would I say?
I’m sorry?
I’m on fire
In my sleep
with you
wrapped up inside of me
The wishing tree waits
So I wish,
and when I wish
I wish th...
Wednesday 7th March 2012 11:14 pm
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