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Hoop Jumping Writers

Hoop Jumping Writers
The writers have to jump thru hoops
Like trained pet dogs for a biscuit
The biscuit is a publishing deal
Or poem in print or online story
The publisher says jump
The writers ask how high?
Have you ever seen jumping writers?
The funniest sight you’ll see
All jumping together jump jump jump!
Jumping thru hoops to get in print
Doing anything for a deal
Some even leap ...

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Author advise (updated version of all in one page from my website how to publish free book)

A few places to sell books and downloads for free and how to make them. Smashwords need tax no. price free Smashwords publishes here Apple IBook, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo You can get a free author's interview here. Example here Amazon you can publish too for free. to for kindle and print Kindle...

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To Be Adored

One day, I would love to sign my name
be wildly proud to autograph a volume
My words printed there in glorious black ink
Type-set, spell-checked and bar-coded
head-shot just inside the hard cover…

And the girl opposite says she loves my work
the way it resonates with her own feelings
gives a voice to what has gone unsaid
she and her beau read them at night

I’d be be one step closer to...

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Y Lolfa

My rhymes form in clouds

over the arm chair

beside my note books

and the fire


My lines are captured

and preserved

in the remains of the forest

immortalised on its pulp

My words are held captive awhile

in the bright prison cells

where machines etch their pain

on smooth white sheets


My once quiet thoughts crash

noisily onto the leaves

again and ...

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Coming soon

Currently compling my second collection of poetry.

It will be available in paperback in the usual places but also as a free pdf file to download and read on your reader of choice


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