musings (Remove filter)
: The Cup that Broke :
The cup that broke housed a thought.
A nascent bud, not blooming yet!
But the hand of chance with the pot,
Filled the cup with a different fate!
Smiling lips drank up the infusion.
Tho' the process of a nascent mind,
Failed to make that thought sustain!
A shattered cup was left behind!
Thursday 20th June 2024 12:43 am
Congress of Mind
Congress of mind
Legislative limb of this body of reason
Billions of cells cry out to be heard
Elected by instinct, opinions thus interred
Reach past the dirt that covers
Break out of silence's somnolent sequester
come back
come home
Eyes no longer lost in wandering lament
nor sight sight veiled by cataracts of mal intent
Turn back your gaze to whats outside
The sun's caress sure to abi...
Wednesday 8th December 2021 11:48 pm
Lost Eternity
Fate comes, though we see it not
Time treads onward, however we dig in our heels
Vigilance toward one threat leads to negligence of another,
and the cruel limits of mortality aren't shy in their reminder
It is this ceaseless grasping at what can only slip through our fingers,
this continued effort at being or creating something which stands outside time that withers our hearts so.
Desire and...
Monday 22nd November 2021 7:24 pm
The Mortal Shore
Thursday 24th March 2011 1:23 am
The Borders Of Mankind
Thursday 6th January 2011 9:42 pm
The World Grew Younger
Monday 22nd November 2010 12:13 pm
Sage & Onion
Sunday 31st October 2010 2:09 pm
Hard Work
Monday 4th October 2010 10:23 pm
Is There A Ghost Of A Chance?
Thursday 23rd September 2010 11:04 am
Free Thoughts....
Free Thoughts
Images such as seldom seen
Make me wonder - do I dream?
Forgive my thoughts for wandering
I'm in a quandary, but still keen
I'm in a quandary, pray do say
If you can point me on my way
To visions that may make my day
That may distract me - so I pray
I prey upon my past designs
My memories of delightful finds
The blend of fact and fantasy
That leave su...
Wednesday 4th August 2010 6:59 pm
Those Days...
Friday 16th July 2010 2:35 pm
Poetic Imagery
Poetic Imagery
Lost in the wondrous mists of our poetry
Words glazed to protect their depth and mystery
Passions concealed until you glimpse an aside
Dig deep and find where they were buried inside
Along the washed beaches of island shores
Could these be in the Pacific or perchance the Azores
No clues at this moment will I offer to you
Preferring you reach inside and...
Thursday 15th July 2010 8:35 am
Dead End
This world will out survive us,
of that you can be sure.
it's seen so many species lost,
so we will be just one more.
Many are the meteors,
that have come and left their mark,
dealing death blows to the dinosaurs,
recreated for us in Jurassic park.
Damage caused by nature,
killed even more than man,
for yes, we've seen off the dodo
and many of us unde...
Saturday 22nd May 2010 6:19 pm
I feel that heavy stillness
It has come to me before
Something new has happened
Who will be next at my door
Will the phone ring in a minute
How I wish I could be sure
Night calls in the nineties never bore good news
Some made in the noughties just brought in the blues
Still that sense is lingering
Why should it seem so mean
I rack my m...
Tuesday 18th May 2010 10:58 pm
Monday 3rd May 2010 8:23 am
What's In Store
The cats are now in,
the fish have been fed,
time to climb the stairs once more
and slip on into bed.
This day has passed in lazy ways,
though I pottered to the bakers in a sunny haze,
far more time was spent with keyboard strokes
than in exercise that is good for folks.
No matter as I feel no guilt,
no great transgressions or mess with milk,
I'll tune in to the ra...
Monday 12th April 2010 8:35 pm
Some times I think, sometimes I dream
Of future times that may be less mean
When peeps can tell the truth all day
Not hide behind some smoke screen play
If all the world had listened well
When John imagined and did tell
Everyone that they could help change
The world from war to peace ain't...
Monday 29th March 2010 5:40 pm
The Embryos of Notions...
The embryos of notions,
can sometimes grow too fast,
leaving me clutching at ther tails,
thinking "Am I in this cast?"
My assembly line of word play,
is in need of extra speed,
do I have to bring in micros
or is it nanos that I now need.
My stumbling fingers used to cope
so much better than they can now
but all the while my grey cells
churn out phrase...
Sunday 21st March 2010 8:21 pm
Brand New View
For thee I pick an orchid
Full blooming in soft sun
Behold its splendid pastel shade
Its beauty hard for tongue
To capture in a moment
For words are way too young
Compared to natures beauty
All language has but just begun
Behold any small crystal
That sparkles in the light
Or try in brief to describe
A swallow in mid flight
Though poetry and story
Sunday 12th July 2009 4:28 pm
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