The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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TOM MERTON on Meeting Each Other
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25 minutes ago

TOM MERTON on Reverberating Voice of Resistance
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TOM MERTON on The truth of being settled
59 minutes ago

Marla Joy on Redeemer
2 hours ago

Marla Joy on Corners
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Flyntland on OPAQUE
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Jonathan Humble on Multiple Choice
3 hours ago



The color yellow looks different when I look through your eyes,

As if the fields are made of emeralds decorated in butterflies,

And then I see pollen fly and descend to the wind’s singing

And embed themselves into beds’ sheets’ linen.


The coursing of dance mimics a river current

And I involuntarily admire your freckles and the rose of your cheeks like they’re sunbu...

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joynaturelovefriendshipfamilypoem from collegepoly amorous lie who cares it's brokenflowers optimism happiness

Starshine (V.2)

The stars shine brighter than the books say they’re supposed to

And the tall grass ain’t as green as the other side had proposed

I was too drunk to see the starshine

In the daytime I saw their glimmer spark and melt into some bronze eyes

Two rings of lulled dreamscapes I near missed when I fell into a low tide


I writ in song so that the stanzas, you can’t read them, but you li...

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fire flesh love passion obsessionromantic distance loveflowers optimism happinesspoetryjoy division

After Everyone is Dead

Everything that will happen has already happened.
This rain is making the grass greener and
these diseased birds are eating the garbage
from the ground.  God continues to text us
encouragement although standard messaging fees apply.

The streetlights will turn green even if
no one is there to drive away,
the bread will turn bad in the freezer
no matter how tightly you wrap it,
and I have...

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godreligionexistentialismearthnatureflowers optimism happiness

storm chaser


The clouds of your storm are filled with lollipops and pounding thoughts.
Raining on sad clowns, you turn frowns upside down.
Your lightning creates a sound soothing to the crown.
Your image, as an imprint in the sky, never disappears from our mind.
The weather makes us feel better…incredible sensations!
Yeah, we see you over there laughing at your own creations.

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ClowdsHeartTravelsWeatherShelternuclear warflowers optimism happinessRazoredgeflakefunkartistdancefireshoesbutterflies

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