The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Vampire (Remove filter)

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A Dead Good Night

She was a pretty little sight
This lady of the night 
But, when I asked her for a drink
In my neck her teeth did sink
Now I'm part of the undead
And she lives inside my head
And instead of drinking beer
I sip blood (with a hint of fear!)

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The Vampire Virus

We ask where you came from,

how long do you intend to stay.

You are not welcomed here,

please checkout and go away.


Perhaps you came from a bat,

sold on a market selling meat.

Purchased and ate by a man,

who preferred rare meat to eat.


Maybe you were a vampire,

sustained by the cull of lives.

Could the blood in your flesh,

resist heat and somehow survive.


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In a town called Tumbleweed

sound is deadened

so that every conversation

crawls like a gentle breeze

through cotton wool.


Beggars are kings,

politicians pariahs,

policemen thieves,

priests parasites.

Suzie is a victim.


The streets of Tumbleweed

host sinners, saints and surrogates

sneering into bibles

left to them

by agnostic pa...

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apocalypsefantasygothichorrorurban decayvampiremetaphor

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