The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

self-acceptance (Remove filter)


We are at peace
when we stop wanting
We are happy
when we accept ourselves

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought we should be trying
to achieve anything else.

No doubt
there are many people hurting
And we hear about
many people getting hurt

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought life had a purpose
to struggle for.

Or is it life
can't contain true peace and happiness
Or not unles...

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meditationinner peacehappinessself-acceptancepurposepeace


Whatever I have done 
I might have done worse, and might have done better.
Whatever I have chosen 
I might have chosen worse, and might have chosen better.

Whatever I have tried to say, 
I might have said worse, and might have said better.
Whatever I might be, 
I might have been worse, and might have been better.

But maybe judgement at all isn’t necessary
For better or worse, perhaps ...

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meditationperspectiveself-acceptanceself esteem


I see you flowering her 

the way you once did me. 


Playing virtual footsies,

oozing lyrical chemistry. 


Move on they say, 

look the other way. 


And so it shall be, 

my focus is on me.


Sowing wildflower seeds, 

shining in the rain, 

dancing through the pain, 

singing in a field of weeds.

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At Last

I can’t believe I found you at last. I haven’t seen you since I was 17. 

A few times I felt you near, but couldn’t see you because I was blinded by my attachment to shining knight fairy tales, white picket fences, and the American dream. 

What a relief to know you never really left. You have been here all along, patiently waiting for me...

to smile at my reflection in the mirror.

# # #...

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The Future

a week ago 

a professor asked me 

what i wanted to do with my life, 

the quesiton caught me wrong-footed; 

two decades ago

learning to walk, 

a decade ago 

learning my body, 

5 years ago 

discovering love,

3 years ago,

accepting my body

a month ago,

accepting who i am 

and now? 

thrust into the unknown,

an oblivion that teases me;

infinite doors t...

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The Circle

We sit, splintered against skin:

Hieroglyphs spouting complex symbols

From untamed mouths; bodies

Perspiring pits, dropping brows,

Salting welted wounds;


Trying desperately to be brave,

Behave in ways we have always been seen,

Glean the truth of who we are,

What we’ve become,

What we do, what we’ve done;


Wrestling Rottweilers,

Unmeshing masquerades,


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