The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

self confidence (Remove filter)

Simply Let It Slide!

This  limerick wants to be a humorous reminder to brush off the negativity and unsolicited opinions that others throw your way. "There’s a way past the arse and down the back" is a metaphor for letting criticism slide right off you, without letting it stick! In a world full of judgments, it’s a reminder that the only opinion that truly matters is your own. Let it slide and keep moving forward!


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self confidenceignore criticismlife advicelimerickhumouropinionslet it go

Embrace the Power within !!!

Embrace the Power within !!!

The pursuit of a fulfilling career isn't wrong,

Ambition isn't a fault, but a song.

Self-belief isn't arrogance, but a guide,

Choosing which feedback to heed is wise.

In this one life, have faith and trust,

In yourself, you'll find your true thrust.

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self confidenceSelflove

The Only Words I Know

Alternative Title : Ordinary Song

These words I sing
Are nothing special
Just like me

But they’ve a passion
And a beauty
And an urge to fly free.

These words that you hear
They’re not worth listening to
I fear

But I’ll sing them
Give them wings and
Let them go where they please.

These words, so alone
They may not find a good home
But they exist
And they persist
And they’...

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meditationpoems about poetryself confidencesong



I struggle without hands

Have no mouth, to speak of

And my eyes avert.

I itch and blotch, 

And the radiance of the sky

Illuminates my sheer loneliness.

Darkness can't come soon enough

'Though I fear my blanket will

one day

become the soil of my grave.


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Depressionhopemental healthshynessself confidence

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