The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

nature poetry (Remove filter)

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Where beauty lies??

I see them daily,

The trees...

Smoothly waving their giant arms at the passers by.

Shedding off what's wilted,

Waiting for the spring to stop by.

I observe them everyday,

The birds...

All flocked and frisky.

Soaring up high,

Never dwelling in envy.

I see them, the stars...

Who never seem wry.

Happy with their brilliance,

Lighting up the sky.

I see them dai...

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nature poetrybeautyskyflowerslovepeaceIntrospectionfraternity


Once a few million years ago, in thrones were the giants  
Herbivorous, carnivorous with razor sharp teeth
They wore no precious jewels nor clothes of silk
They hunt their fellows for food, oh the roaches seen it all

The world metamorphosed,  puny organisms born
Rid of feathers and  razor sharp teeth- 'harmless' they thought 
Even roaches pitied the new guests 

Among lions and tigers, t...

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societydeathhumansnature poetry

Roadside Wildflowers

I hope the stars

Always twinkle for you.

I hope the flowers

Always bloom for you.


I hope the sun

Always shines for you.

I hope the moons 

Always bright for you.


I hope the sunset 

Is always your favorite color.

I hope your ocean’s 

waves are always calm. 


I hope your river

Always runs true. 

I hope the rain 

Never lasts too long. 



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loveYoung Lovelove poemunrequited lovelove poetryflowersNaturenature poetry


a vacuous gunmetal dervish spins
column of swirled perdition
howls like Bedlam let
loose foundations
yanked uprooted–
–stare deep in
its eyeless
last face,

streamers of graphite sky curl down
like monstrous wiry arms
war of the world
deceptive in

insanely steady its fickle
course, this berserker balls
voracious with revolving
maw inhales...

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nature poetrytornadoes

Autumn's Last Leaf

Today's poem is brought to you by the letter F!



Hanging on in there

From green to golden red

Delicately fixed

By an axil thread

Then freed of

This fusion

By a forceful breeze

Moment  arrived

To flee from

It's tree

Fluttering past

Admiring glances

The final show

So now it 


Then falls to

The ground

Having proved

All it's worth


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Autumn DanceSeasonsnature poetry

Side By Side

Nature creeps in

And Asks For 

It's Space

It's Place

Beside us

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nature poetrypure and simple


The trees are flesh made.

 Gauntly etched to form gangrenous limbs,

Skeletal fingers lacing outward

For the heavens.


A multiplicity of fungal greens

That curl and sway about the breeze.

The trees are flesh made,

Blood racing within barcomulch veins

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Treesnature poetryforestsgorebloodhorror

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