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Nature creeps in

And Asks ForĀ 

It's Space

It's Place

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nature poetrypure and simple

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Ruth O'Reilly

Wed 28th Aug 2019 15:02

Thank you Don That Poem is perfectly suited to me...My birth chart is ruled by the moon, it's as if you knew or something ....even though I know that's all woo-woo to you ?

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Adam Rabinowitz

Wed 28th Aug 2019 05:25

Here it is, Ruth.

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Also..thank you for your kind words regarding my poems.

Don...I finally read about your difficulties with Thalia and wrote you a bit of a sympathy/advice on that entry.

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Don Matthews

Wed 28th Aug 2019 05:19

Ruth - I don't know where I read it but it's always stuck with me.
Kate echoed it ".So few words but speaks volumes. "

Have I already sent you this?

Mrs Moon

Mrs Moon
sitting up in the sky
little old lady
with a ball of fading light
and silver needles
knitting the night

(Roger McGough)

So few words but speaks volumes. The true art of poetry. To me. But Liverpool poet McGough has had decades of practice. There's still hope for us Ruth ? It even rhymes......

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Ruth O'Reilly

Wed 28th Aug 2019 01:29

Thanks Don I think you called me a true poet. Nobody ever has before, so that made me smile?

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Don Matthews

Wed 28th Aug 2019 00:36

Adam - yep, I am in sweet with Ruth. Like my sweet Thalia. Gotta keep the women happy

Ruth - "but seriously when you try to present your art form and it creates comment outside of you that is a good thing I believe". All depends on the reader. I fall asleep in long ones so they will never get my comments.

To me the poetry art form involves 'few words speaking volumes' . Not easy and shows a true poet. To me

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Ruth O'Reilly

Tue 27th Aug 2019 16:58

Don, Adam's gonna start thinking I write these shorties just for you and there you go forgetting me....but seriously when you try to present your art form and it creates comment outside of you that is a good thing I believe

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Ruth O'Reilly

Tue 27th Aug 2019 16:53

Kate I'm glad that you 'got' how I was trying to say more though chose few words!

Raj Thank you for reading, I like to sometimes aim to construct my pieces as mini meditation which doesn't take you too far away from my main focus.

Adam, Thanks for reading. I do enjoy the length of your poems because they always have a certain flow about them. I must check out the poem you mentioned. As a kid my mom would read Khubla Khan to me which I loved but was somewhat disappointed when she told me it was an unfinished poem....Maybe subconsciously I just want to make sure I finish my poem by having it short!

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Ruth O'Reilly

Tue 27th Aug 2019 16:45

Very True Dorothy Nature is part of that infinite intelligence that always adjusts and adapts. Thanks for reading

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Don Matthews

Tue 27th Aug 2019 16:26

Adam - don't let me be your guide to a good poem. Plenty of people here like long poems. I just fall asleep. Each to his own my friend.

Kate - 'So few words but speaks volumes'. This to me is the art of poetry. Why I like a well-crafted haiku. Short, succint but speaks volumes. Thanks for bringing this up Kate

Ruth - Oh sorry. Nearly forgot you. Yes, I really like it.

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Adam Rabinowitz

Tue 27th Aug 2019 15:12

Reminds me a bit of the fog coming in on its little cat feet in that poem by Sandburg. I admire your gift for short and to the point. I bet Don gets through all your poems. Mine are too long but I tried on Sound of Rain.

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Raj Ferds

Tue 27th Aug 2019 14:56

Beautiful. And the brevity is stunning.

Part of our problems today is because of our disconnect with nature.
Ruth this is a massive invitation for us to cohabit with nature.
Let it resonate guys.


<Deleted User> (22444)

Tue 27th Aug 2019 12:44

Oh I LOVE this. It's going on my wall at work tomorrow. So few words but speaks volumes. ?

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