The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

fatigue (Remove filter)


a flick of a switch

and darkness crept into each corner of the room,

tracing each surface

and caressing each crack  

until each speck of dust

breathed in black.


a slight sigh

left her lips

and hung momentarily in the air -


that seemed so effervescent in the day

dissipated swiftly

as soon as they came.


and soon

shadows intertwi...

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darkvoidfatiguemodern lifeuncertainty

Eurovision 2024

We have become defined by war.

Two years ago, we had the love.

Builders played and danced to our tune,

This fantasy world embraced us:

Plucky sorts, hung out for applause.

Now we are just part of the kitsch.

Since that time – more dead, injured and burned,

But not only that. Deeper marks

Have eaten into Free Ukraine:

The tears of a vanished childhood,

The shame of shr...

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It’s not surprising there is some fatigue;

Far away lands of which we know not much

Soon regress once the novelty wears off

And the front page headlines have moved elsewhere.


There was that time, of course; Ukraine became

Everyone’s second-favourite country.

Top people swaggered in yellow and blue

And excited queues welcomed the displaced.


It couldn’t last. The ha...

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Lockdown Fatigue

Quick scribble. I just want to be the squirrel in the tree outside my window today. I've had enough. 


Up and down the Ash trees,

Round and round they go,

Unaware, oblivious,

Of these troubles that we know,

No Coronavirus seeping,

Through their very roots,

Dampening their daily walks,

Or tarnishing their fruits,

No handwashing,


Searing, hurting longi...

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This morning’s glorious golden hour

On this day, leaves me cold.

The sweet dawn chorus lingers on

No joys to me unfold.


No light or beauty penetrates

The fog within my head.

Become so numb, I can but wait

In longing, for my bed.


For National Poetry Month 3rd April 2019 – prompt from IG @tristameer “use the word ‘golden’ in a poem”.

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Napowrimo 2019Napowrimo Day3fatigue





Around and around the sad and dreary night spins

in my tortured world full of wakefulness.

It’s the same every time, unable to fall off the edge

into oblivion and peaceful sleep.

I feel so heavy with fatigue, like my limbs are weighted with lead,

the tablets I had an hour ago haven’t worked so what must I do now?

Suicide would be an answe...

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no sleepinsomniafatiguesleep

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