Midnight thoughts (Remove filter)
Hit and Run
It happens as quickly as it ends, a muffled slam and a splintering of cracks.
Night has fallen quickly, the dull glare of the streetlights hidden by the blinds.
I barely stir when it happens, only waking when footsteps race past my door.
“What’s happening?” I ask groggily, surveying the urgency of my parents.
My brother replies “A car crashed through our fence!”
With both excitemen...
Wednesday 22nd March 2023 11:33 pm
nightly thoughts
a chocolate Santa Claus
a piece of motivation
a piece of dedication
a piece of dictation
mission failed
a piece of self hate
a piece of failure
a piece of disappointment
a piece of weakness
cancelled mission
new year, new start
mission restarted
lose weight
goals you have to achieve
goals you can't achieve
goals you must proceed
Wednesday 29th December 2021 10:51 pm
And why?
And why are you still in my head?
In my chest,
In my soul?
Engulfed by disdain, disgust and love.
And I am so lone.
In the middle of Oxford Street crowds
I want your advice that never helped
I want your forehead kisses that I rejected.
Longing for you on dark silent nights.
To debate: am I ever truly alone?
Or does your phantomlike presence ignite and guide...
Tuesday 16th November 2021 10:41 pm
Lusting Sin
Lust consumes those who fall or the trap
Confusion or jealousy twitches above eyes
Desire to amount to more than the simplicity of existing
Desire to feel desired
Tender affection is rejected by violin strings of broken beings
Sympathy will be forbidden, the truth hidden
Blackness only welcomes sin.
Wednesday 14th October 2015 11:33 am
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