love (Remove filter)
Our bodies borrowed from the universe
Made of stardust
Everywhere and nowhere at once
Souls having a human experience
Moving ego aside to freedom
Inspiration guiding our actions
Through universal connections
How often the truth hides
Right there in plain site
Seek and we find
I am the seasons
Life to renew
I am divine
And so are you
Sunday 31st January 2021 3:34 pm
The Queries of a Heart that is Torn
I feel it itching under my skin
clawing away deep inside
I thought i could be myself around you
now i am just sorry that I ever tried
I find myself bending over backwards for you
trying to leap through these flaming hoops
Still, it isn't a choice that you choose
For that wouldn't ever, benefit you
We're winding down this endless road
neither of us can find any hope.
Still we hold ont...
Sunday 31st January 2021 1:44 am
'I'm fine'
There is a river that runs through me
But I can’t see its colours shine so brightly
I keep them all so confidential
And all of the breakdowns so existential
‘Going mental’, the mind’s so fragile
Can’t it be easy like it was when we were kids?
You grow up, some days stare into the abyss
But there is nothing like true happiness
You must hold on to happiness
When ...
Thursday 28th January 2021 12:19 pm
In search of love
Do travellers venture dangerous lands
Their hardships conveyed through the tender hands
Which caress and soothe the hearts of lovers left hurt
Which push and help these lovers out of the dirt
And carry them away from the pull of the sand
Their eyes seemingly sharp and bold
For with this courage have they only found it right
To laugh, to learn, to cherish, to fight
Monday 25th January 2021 8:06 pm
You and Me
Hold on to the dream,
of you and me,
floating free
in air and sea.
After all the drama,
a lifetime of battle scars,
it's still you and me,
for all eternity.
Monday 25th January 2021 7:44 pm
A tribute to Wallasey born astronomer Heather Couper (1949-2020) and her passion for life
1986 Halley’s Comet payed its orbital visit
On the clearest, darkest night
Looking skyward with naked eyes
Comet and tail obvious against the stars
Media covered the historic occasion
The Sky at Night had a special guest
Heather Couper stood outside
Enthusiasm infectious
Monday 25th January 2021 4:03 pm
Don't say a word for now
Don’t say a word for now…
There is nothing to say
that we haven’t already said…
Walk with me for a while…
From here to nowhere…
Close your eyes…
Trust my hand…
There is nothing to see
that we haven’t already seen…
Nothing to hear
that we haven’t already heard…
Nothing to fear…
No horizon line where to scape…
No unfulfilled dreams to cha...
Friday 22nd January 2021 1:36 am
Incantation (A Song for Winter)
Stay with me, I beg you
You’re all that I have left
My safest place
Greatly, I fear
That the more I think of you
The more you will fade from me
Like others that I could not keep
You are all the spirit I have within me
My intangible dream
Without you
I would know nothing of hope
If the light you give
Should be smothered into smoke
I would not fight the dark
I would hav...
Monday 18th January 2021 3:34 am
Different This Time
Pick and choose it
Place it
Move it
It's so beautiful-
Isn't it beautiful?
I spin it and
Twist it
Flip it upside down
This way is better
I like this much better
Pull it
Shape it
Hold it together and
Tape it
I can make it
So much better
This Time
I watch it and
Play it
Over and over again
Change it
Arrange it
Won't ...
Monday 18th January 2021 2:56 am
Nothing More
I think of you, chastise myself,
And press your name away
Ignoring, stubbornly, the fact,
You’re present every day
I don’t ask why I cannot help
But seek your commentary
On every task, or smile of mine-
A wish I cannot bury
I say, embarrassed at myself,
That this affair ends now.
This fantasy, this made-up game,
I cannot keep allowing
Saturday 16th January 2021 6:55 pm
To Dream Of Greatness
I like seaside piers; in a parallel world I’m a Victorian engineer
In this world I am mostly polite and mostly sincere
I like architecture: in a parallel world I designed Carnegie Hall
In this world I just sketch buildings, taking in it all
I like trains; in a parallel world I drive them to Kathmandu
In this world no leaves or snow on the track will do
I like trees; in a parallel w...
Saturday 16th January 2021 9:02 am
I drink the elixir of your words
to calm my nerves,
to hear the crunch of leaves
on my way to brighter days,
to see another creative soul
soar above the chaos of a broken life,
to witness corrosion
turn to gold,
to prolong the beauty of this moment,
Friday 15th January 2021 5:13 pm
It Must Be Him
The place is Birkdale during the British Open Golf, and a case of mistaken identity back in the late 1980’s, as related to me many years later by a friend
Seve, he’s my favourite golfer
I recognise him from TV
Look, it must be him
He’s going into that supermarket
Let’s follow to be sure
For certain, it must be him
Be discrete, play it cool
Keep our distance
...Thursday 14th January 2021 11:00 am
Elvis passing on, just about remember the day
Failed to move me much in any particular way
John in New York on the street he died
I confess, when I heard the news, I cried
Liverpool airport eventually after John they named
In remembrance of our very own son they proclaimed
A statue of the man they commissioned Tom Murphy to craft
To greet all travellers, I think John woul...
Tuesday 12th January 2021 8:02 am
The suffering, the pain, it’s over now
All that is left is a pounding heart trying to heal and move on
A heart that fought so hard to stay alive
A heart that held on until the last minute the last goodbye
Thumping, beating, pulsing
The pain, the suffering made the heart strong
So strong that it grew a thick wall
A wall that cannot be broken
A wall that no longe...
Tuesday 12th January 2021 4:19 am
I keep finding myself thinking back to the day we met
It was April 23rd I believe
I thought my life was full
I thought my life had meaning
It wasn’t till I met you that I realized it was incomplete
Now all I wanna do is show you i care and love you
Hopefully you feel the same way
I mean we’ve been together for almost 2 years now
This ain’t much of a poem
Monday 11th January 2021 5:55 pm
Surrounded By Love
As the years go on, and the beauty fades
They are arm in arm, like nothing has changed
And as he hovers close, I can hear what she says
She says - just as sweetly as the very first day...
"Paint me with your love
make me shiny and new
give me all your colours
it's what I dream of
I'll be painted, sated
in layers of love."
And as he hears her words, I can see he smiles
Monday 11th January 2021 2:23 am
I love you
It is late and all is silent
The summer night has closed in...
A solitary espresso to ruminate
On the world... I love you.
Three simple words that encompass
the universe and all its beautiful mysteries.
I love you,
Your soul is with mine, as you sleep,
Like strange incense, they wisp and play.
Our souls know more than
they will reveal...
I love ...
Sunday 10th January 2021 10:53 am
Poetry Prompt: 'Forever is composed of nows'
Just the right amount of squeeze
at my hip
of a lemon
on the pasta we craft for each other
of the sponge he knows I don’t like to touch when wet.
A tongue, a croissant, a bottom smack,
exactly when we wanted one
A well-timed tease, balletically treading that tightrope line
from this now, to the next, to the next to the next please
Moments studded above our ...
Saturday 9th January 2021 3:36 pm
my partner says
I can’t write anymore poetry.
until I take out the bins
complete that assignment
(for which I’m paying thousands for the privilege)
and preferably have a shower
not out loud
but I hear it in his sighs
and the way he closes the cupboard doors
Saturday 9th January 2021 2:53 pm
#3 (sister mine)
Sister mine.
A perfect
spite-jewelled child.
Eyes and smokes
rolled, over
our shared veins.
Frayed but firm,
trapping us
in warm blood.
Saturday 9th January 2021 2:47 pm
Tips for a clean breakup
First, fumigate
Your cell walls fresh-free
of their love.
poison barbed
bitter nothings
must be dumbly plucked from each pink pore,
thrown to landfill,
labelled 'Hazardous biowaste, may cause hideous burns'.
Third, make re-chaste your newly bleach-scoured bone and blotted clean flesh
with a sore blessing of Domestos and clov...
Saturday 9th January 2021 2:05 pm
#2 (my mad friend)
My mad friend,
a handful
of sequinned
wild-eyed zeal,
on bullets.
I should call
For backup.
Saturday 9th January 2021 1:08 pm
5 things I remember from the beginning
Giggles and winks at romantic excess
The mountains seem like overkill yes
I’d said with a grin that shone my delight
And fastened my thighs steel clam-snap tight,
The still of his stare, blue-blazing and prised
By billows of sun emulsified
In bright, surf-swept skies and slick seas of cloud,
Long salted kisses, wet noses bowed,
Collateral pass...
Saturday 9th January 2021 12:58 pm
We Are All Of Us
We are all of us children
grown up and making our own
way in the world
still children
for all of that.
We are all of us dreamers
woken up to our own
still dreaming
for all of that.
We are all of us lovers
in love with making our own
love love
still loving
for all of that.
We are all of us seekers
stretching up to find our own
place in this world
still seeking
for a...
Saturday 9th January 2021 8:31 am
Résumé / Michael Kwack
Love is, like art,
dull without passion.
Marriage is, like enterprise,
vain without fortune.
Home is, like a chair,
awkward without comfort.
Life is, like sleep,
hollow without a dream.
Death* is, like a letter,
absurd without a story.
*Death means suicide.
Thursday 7th January 2021 4:43 pm
Shine On
Don't ever let anyone convince you
to not share your soul songs.
The weaponized words
they hurl towards you,
are formed from
their own insecurities.
You get one shot,
in this time and space,
accompanied by
crabs in a bucket,
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control
your creative mind.
Give in to dark energy,
and you become it.
Rise above it.
By sha...
Tuesday 5th January 2021 2:22 pm
A Cautionary Tale
Come close if you must,
to my heart of rust.
Taste my sorrows
of ash and honey,
beneath the illusion
of love and money.
After the show,
your life’s a mess,
you’ll fall in line
with the rest.
. . .
It’s not too late,
to change your fate.
Turn away from a life
of heartbreak.
What you seek
is found within,
...Tuesday 5th January 2021 5:04 am
Filtered Memories
Back seat kisses,
backyard volleyball,
long walks in the woods,
sunbathing on the beach,
smiling, laughing,
talking for hours,
holding hands,
slow dancing to George Straight songs,
making love until dawn,
falling asleep in each other’s arms...
Filtered memories,
behind the sheer curtain of my mind,
or fantasies,
found in a bottle
of ...
Monday 4th January 2021 4:29 am
Recent Comments
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