The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


I drink the elixir of your words

to calm my nerves,

to hear the crunch of leaves

on my way to brighter days,

to see another creative soul

soar above the chaos of a broken life,

to witness corrosion

turn to gold,

to prolong the beauty of this moment,





◄ Shine On

You and Me ►


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Sun 28th Mar 2021 03:27

I agree John. Thanks for reading and commenting. It’s like notes in the margin from my favorite professor! ✔️?❤️

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John Marks

Sat 27th Mar 2021 22:44

It is the moment that counts. The past winds up to it, the future rolls away from it, all we have is.the eternal present- this moment.

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Fri 15th Jan 2021 20:27

Keith and Aviva. Thank you. I am so happy you enjoyed this moment with my muse. It’s always a pleasant surprise what bubbles up to share with other souls.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Fri 15th Jan 2021 17:51

A beautiful poem. But also...

This makes me so happy for you because we may stumble upon many things, but we will inevitably find what we truly seek.

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keith jeffries

Fri 15th Jan 2021 17:37

This must have rolled off your pen as it is so freely written and so many who read it will be uplifted. I shall keep this.

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