The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

free will (Remove filter)


It all happens there/work in a call centre job/go do what you want

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call centrework ethicsfree will


Will you raise your voice for the oppressed

Will you demand Governmental redress

Will you speak on things that truly matter

Will you allow this illusion to truly shatter

Will you plant the seeds in the ears of youth

So they can discover the yield of truth

Will you speak up Will you scream

Will you have faith Will you dream

Will you turn up your volume for the silenced


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Willfree willtruthliesyouthfaithdreamGodoppressionbraveryknowledgejusticeGod willing

BLANKETY BLANK SLATE (directed infant rage 2012)

This IS a poem. Just add line-breaks.

The sweet-wrappers of a bitter childhood still blow after me, with the tinkling sound of Angel wings; not trying to catch up, bringing tidings of great joy, but curious to see what my enduring negativity will yet do to me. Rage puzzles Angels; born, angelic and loved - to Angel mothers (did you not know?) they need no father, save He that, by definition...

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infant ragefree will

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