rebels (Remove filter)
no cause did she leave un-espoused
underdogs were her stock in trade
though slender, she was a freedom fighter
she was a brave and comely maid
we got together in mozambique
in those days that was the place
tending the wounds of a beggar
hers was a fine and open face
critics might deem her reckless
I flew out knowing she would die
she stood to wave, then turn...
Monday 17th August 2020 11:34 am
Fill me.
Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.
Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.
Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.
Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.
Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.
Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.
Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.
Covering all lu...
Friday 3rd April 2020 11:46 am
The Plains of Babylon
They gather on the plains of Babylon.
“It's party-time dear friends!”, the invite reads.
“Let's shake it down and cross the Rubicon.”
“A stairway up to heaven is our need.”
The plots they thicken, artful plans are honed.
They build their zigurrat to breach the blue.
Bizarre bed-fellows meet and greet, combine
In shifting shapes to overthrow the throne.
“Rise up! Throw down...
Monday 26th August 2019 2:41 pm
T'hell with Haikus
Practice missed perfect.
Fat lady forgot to sing.
Doctor caught the flu.
Writers are rebels.
They forever cross the line.
T'hell with haikus.
This is poetry.
Not exactly an exam.
Simply a word fest.
Seven syllables
Neatly sandwiched between five?
Great, my pen can rest.
© Candice Reineke 2013
Tuesday 1st July 2014 5:18 pm
Flash Mob
Flash Mob,
We're the greatest gangsters
since the Wild Wild West.
For what we do
we're the very best.
We're the Flash Mob,
We're the Flash Mob.
Back in Chi Town they were run by Capone
I prefer to make a racket with my Al CaBone.
Hipsters think the Flash Mob is all about Twitter
but just like Babe Ruth I'm a heavy hitter.
This is a stick ...
Tuesday 5th February 2013 6:27 pm
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