The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


no cause did she leave un-espoused

underdogs were her stock in trade

though slender, she was a freedom fighter

she was a brave and comely maid


we got together in mozambique

in those days that was the place

tending the wounds of a beggar

hers was a fine and open face


critics might deem her reckless

I flew out knowing she would die

she stood to wave, then turned

it was all I could do not to cry


she was taking on a continent

driven by some loving power

we went back earlier this year

to erect her simple sandstone tower


her hospital was little but ruins

burned down by rebels at night

her patients scattered to the wind

ending that Maid of Orleans fight


it is easy to feel bleak despair

evil surmounting all her good

yet the ardent seeds she sowed

may yet grow into a wood


we met a man who'd known her

a future leader in the making

her promised to remember her

said his heart was still aching


every day I can't but shudder at

cold hedonism, greed and vice

why did Vera's beat with fire

while other hearts pump out ice?



freedom fighterhearticemaid of orleansmaputorebels

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jennifer Malden

Mon 17th Aug 2020 14:42

Hope the 'ardent seeds' do grow into a wood. Great writing! Don't know about her, but am very motivated to go and look it up.


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