dreams (Remove filter)
In the deserted island of my mind,
cotton candy memories float by,
followed by fog and bomber planes,
raining shrapnel of a painful past
and Nostradamus future.
I am tempted to retreat,
among the trees,
where no one can find me.
Give up my majestic seat
on the sandy shores of time.
Boldly I remain,
sheltered in plain sight,
like a hermit crab,
...Sunday 6th December 2020 6:57 pm
Don’t Walk In Anger
I twist in the night, in anger.
I wake in the morning, in anger.
I know the dreams are just dreams
but the aching is tangible,
it’s at the forefront that I can’t shake.
It’s too early to feel this way, with holes punctured through the heart.
A feeling that I’ve been used as target practice.
Congratulations, you’ve won…
You’ve robbed me yet again from waking with the deli...
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 4:18 am
Love Happens
Love happens when you least expect it.
When you have your eyes closed and are looking in the opposite direction.
Love happens even when you shun it.
Even when you curse it from the pits of hell love happens.
Love happens and it knows why it came and how long it plans to stay.
When it happens it takes you by storm
Love happens and with no words
Love happens and when it does
...Friday 30th October 2020 1:11 am
A bump in the night...
the voice comes to me
as a phantom in a dream.
as i write
the voice channels
from him to me.
laughter vanishes
to staring at the sea,
to the house
that no longer carries
his childhood dreams.
vacanies searching for occupation
from passing through stations
to platforms holding onto memories,
all of it comes to me.
in my internal screenplay,
is he the playwright...
Thursday 29th October 2020 4:21 pm
Seahorses & Dreams
Have you ever seen seahorses fly?
They have wings you know.
Like us, seahorses flow
wherever they want to go.
They do it by camouflage,
we do it by pen.
With ink, even virtually,
we can create a world of our choosing,
one where everyone gets along,
no sadness, no suffering.
Smiling, dancing, singing...
A love story for the ages,
one that defies space and time,
...Thursday 29th October 2020 3:23 pm
Such Dreams as Stuff are made on...
Dreams are such strange creatures
Presenting vivid or
amorphic features
They steep your mind
in make-believe
Where past & present
I'm in the woods
'neath a gnarly tree
Where friends of old
run wild & free
Friends who now rest
as soil or ash
Or who simply faded
into time's elapse
But, I'm standing there
Fully gro...
Friday 23rd October 2020 5:04 pm
Custard Creams
A recalcitrant granny at my local ALDI
Seeking a refund on her custard creams
Made me wonder how you get a refund
After a whole lifetime of broken dreams
Merchandisers of Eros were my nemesis
I bought my first dream from sweet Julia
Redolent of cinnamon and Dioressence
Before morphing into something peculiar
Heather's packaging was slick and cool
Her labelling ...
Friday 23rd October 2020 11:06 am
Eagle Eye
My eagle eye sweeps
The room nursing maimed dreams
And stifled memories
Which make walls bleed
When drubbed by the hollow breeze.
Who am I except a mute bystander?
Unfazed by the detritus,
My steady gaze punctures
The flesh of aged and nascent delusions.
Stay, stay with me,
Before I leave,
And catch a train
To a place where summer rains
Submerge mundane lands
And bleached s...
Sunday 11th October 2020 2:07 pm
Tears of a Poet
When I think of Carlos,
a beautiful soul of a man,
emotional, heartfelt poetry bleeds through
Tears creep on the brink of every reading
His hand held over his heart to keep it in
He makes a mark wherever he goes
The rhythm of his words flow
And it leaves you speechless
All you can mouth is ‘wow…’
Pondering over poems to capture what I believe in
A work of art always in progre...
Monday 5th October 2020 1:52 am
Words That Mend Broken Dreams
As fallow spells go, that one went
Not a sign of the partner I was after
Wit and charm were what I needed
Not yawns or cold careless laughter
Souls may crack like china ornaments
A heart may not be intact as it seems
When appears a fellow-spirit speaking
Words that can mend broken dreams
Her face was honest fair and strong
No beauty burnished her features
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 11:01 am
in your city
Originally published in Clay Literary’s RAVEN: https://www.clayliterary.com/post/raven-issue-seven-08-30-2020
eyes squeeze shut all at once with
wishes whispered under breaths to be
anywhere else, anywhere cooler than
the constant heatwave of near 100 degrees.
Toes dip into makeshift sandy beaches
along the city’s river while children
play in water fountains next to erected sand...
Wednesday 16th September 2020 1:24 pm
There she was sitting in her chair
The passage of time seen in her gray hair
She sits not in a chair on a throne of honor
Tea cookies and lemonade the silent child ate
Cookies salty-sweet this is how she will grow to be
Lemonade just enough tart you can see it from her heart
Words of wisdom in a melodious feminine tone
Encouraging us to rise up and tell me ...
Sunday 13th September 2020 1:13 am
The Poetry King
A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't
mean a thing
in the grand scheme.
Wears his heart
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.
Waxes poetic about
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain
unsolved mysteries.
More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.
Saturday 5th September 2020 2:21 am
timepieces have reversed (part 1)
sprouting from the underground,
reaching for the light,
messengers of truth
tell us the news
spoken dreams
awaken us now,
emboldened by our own worth,
timepieces have reversed
our covert existence,
like buried keepsakes
begged for air,
pained to be bare
our struggles,
spotlight moments in
Hollywood movies; as we weep,
the only wa...
Sunday 23rd August 2020 10:11 pm
Beautiful Dreams
I wish for a soulful voice,
a proud father,
reconciled love.
In absence of these things,
I do not despair,
because I have the music,
that makes my unfulfilled wishes,
beautiful dreams.
Sunday 23rd August 2020 2:35 am
Your words are a
breath of fresh air.
It warms my heart
to see you at the
pantheon of passion,
creating a lyrical legacy,
writing love letters
across the sky,
of a beautiful dream.
Tuesday 4th August 2020 9:50 pm
My anklets fill the air with resounding laughs
As I scuttle between tall blades of grass.
I feel free
Like I'm the breeze.
A yearning dream
Lounges among the clouds.
Her hand caresses my cheek,
I feel safe and sound.
Did I tell you that I feel free?
Free from the restraint of a rhyme scheme;
Free from structure;
Free from obsessions
Like a speck of dust on a t...
Friday 31st July 2020 8:14 pm
Resistance is futile.
You will not find rest
as long as I am near,
whispering in your ear.
STOP, right now.
Write now.
Talk about how
love echoes
in the valley of
lost souls.
Share your hopes,
dreams, fears.
I’m listening,
ready to bathe you,
in serenity.
I am your muse,
voice of truth,
Tuesday 28th July 2020 5:17 pm
Dream on
I met you once, by chance
but you appeared in my dreams
the very next day.
It was not happy nor unhappy
not in black and white but nor bright and colourful
(like the ones I usually see)
It wasn't unimaginable or unclear
(like most of my dreams)
It didn't change faces or continued for a longtime
I saw us at a party
you stood across the room
and suddenly turned, caught my eye and smiled
Saturday 25th July 2020 5:48 pm
A Drowning Dream.
To learn everyday was what taught to me,
Sinking in an ocean, moving steadily;
It was the ocean of knowledge and believes,
Suddenly the world changed, and power came to cease.
'Look at him, look at her', comparing to the whole world,
Trying my very best, to win in every word.
Becoming a good son, a dear brother and good friend,
But that 'I', was lost in the end.
I became what you want,...
Friday 10th July 2020 3:05 pm
Unsent letters
How many love letters do I have to write before they are sent
How many hours do I spend and lament
Over the impossible dream
The one that can’t be seen
And more and more it seems
Like it’s never going to be
Sunday 21st June 2020 12:46 pm
The Shape of Us
The shape of our love, our version of it,
Exists in bubbling thoughts of former lives
And constant dreams of distant hearts
Where our lives are entwined
Ripples of waves intersect
Jetting dangerously close
But never on the same path
Turning heads, looking back
How do we get off this track
Without losing control,
Without knowing
Where it will go
The inhabitants look upon us
Saturday 20th June 2020 8:56 pm
A magenta sky
greets my morning sigh.
Another majestic day,
lost in the minutia of life.
Shoulda, coulda,woulda,
paralyzing dream sabers.
Distractions abound.
Download another book,
refresh the poet's page.
Escape, behind a waterfall
of tears.
Long nights,
paved years.
Fandango memories
sustain me.
Dry your eyes,
face your fears.
Tuesday 9th June 2020 4:31 pm
You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain
Wondering why you deserve to hurt
You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"
The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake
You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"
Monday 25th May 2020 5:46 pm
I wish I could tell you how much I miss you but there is no point in that.
I wish that things could be different but I know that they will not.
And I wish I could stop loving you but my heart is so torn and yet so full of love.
I wish I could turn back time and make you be mine.
But these are all wishes that God hears but doesn’t act on.
And everyday it’s a battle to keep moving on ...
Friday 22nd May 2020 6:18 pm
Snake Hair
Its been on the ebb since
I was knee-high to a tarantula and
While some say baldness and
Virility go hand in hand meaning
Eunuchs are spared, I'm the
Exception that proves the rule for
I would rarely let my hair down
Even when I had it.
An acolyte of hair tonics since
Billy Walker advertised Vitalis,
Dreams only echo my obsession, whether
Fatal entanglement in the
...Wednesday 13th May 2020 12:09 pm
The Loop At The Edge Of Reason
The Loop At The Edge Of Reason
Christmas eve seventy-seven
Snowflakes prickle on exposed skin
I pull the duffle coat tight around my neck
As I weave my weary way up Westgate
Glancing in the Black Horse windows
As the amber light spills out
Onto the crystal streets of Wakefield
Paving them in wuffle-dust
My mind wanders and gears click
As I think of all the H...
Saturday 4th April 2020 3:10 pm
Lucid Dreams
I want to sleep, so I can dream.
Dreaming makes the pain go away,
weakens my prison walls,
so you can rescue me.
I feel your warm breath on my face,
your loving embrace...
Hand-in-hand we run through the lush,
exotic island.
Our laughter echoes among the trees
as we look towards the horizon and
see eternity...
Dawn beckons me.
I don’t wa...
Friday 20th March 2020 12:54 am
Release and cords
After all I fought for?
All these years for nothing.
I see capitulation in their eyes.
The ones who called themselves
Rebels and activists.
Is that me anymore,
Fighting against a whole world,
Stopped by their own panic?
I see my place not here,
Maybe somewhere in space,
Somewhere on another planet
Where "humans" are no sheep
And individuality is normal.
Excluding no...
Thursday 12th March 2020 10:10 pm
Last night, through the window
Last Night, through the Window
Last night, through the window,
I heard a train;
But I am far from the railway.
Last night, through the window,
I heard a plane;
But I am far from the airport.
Last night, through the window,
I heard a bus;
But I am far from the road.
Last night, through the window,
I heard an owl;
But I am far from the woods.
...Sunday 8th March 2020 2:52 pm
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