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heartbreak (Remove filter)

next door neighbor



made me feel something

Something I've been trying to avoid for awhile now.




made me feel safe.

Made me feel loved.

Made me feel like the only girl in the world


In your arms, no bad could happen.

In your arms, I was safe.

In your arms, I was loved. 


This unfamiliar feeling made me uneasy

Made me doubtful

Made me question everythi...

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Letting go of what’s died


You were never mine

Quick witted but with a weak spine

Your actions are predicted 

conditional love that’s bound to die in time

How you act has me sickened and I refuse to loose my mind

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self obsessed


You love calling me crazy too

Lying holding your breath you’re turning blue

As I start calling out your other muse

Said I’m the only one that you choose

Feeding me another empty excuse

You swung giving me the ugliest bruise



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no one wins..

Two lovers lost in a sea of endless rough waves

Detatched from shore and far off course

Fighting fits to which both enslaves

Drift away from the loving warmth of true lovers heart

Moment by moment words rising

Tearing eachother apart

Fights enclosed happiness feelings faded flow

Bitterness deepens soon you'll be reaping

The actions you began to sew

Arrows whistle through...

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The sounds of the ocean waves crashing as if they were  talking to me saying , " Breathe, be free."

The sound of the wind whispering in my ear, break your chains, run, run,run, don't you dare look back

My eyes closed, my heart beating fast, wondering when will the world stop spinning round and round

When will my light be free to shine

When will my soul be freed  from yours

When will...

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1000 Letters


I’ve written you 1000 letters

I’ve waited for you 365 days 

I’ve prayed to God a million prayers

But I realized now  it is all insane 

I realize now it was all in vain

I get scared to think of no longer loving you 

I get so scared that I pray for another way 

I pray that God makes me see that everything’s ok 

Love isn’t forever 

Love doesn’t always stay

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Happiness was you. Happiness was us. Happiness was us and a cat. Now it’s just a cat. Not even our memories are happiness, tainted by the reality of which I’m living. Every trip down memory lane is a reminder that it’s just me and our beautiful boy. No memory looks the same as it was. Every laugh, every tear, every whisper, every hand that connected, every time you said I love you, means nothing n...

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sad loveemotional painheartbreakloss

Broken Man (Regrets)

Here I stand, a broken man
Trying to cope the best I can
Guys are not supposed to cry
We’re macho with our heads held high
But alone I feel a shivering wreck
With mixed up thoughts and mass regrets
Regrets that I just can’t be me
Regrets of the false man you see
Each tiny thought I try to dissect
But each tiny thought then becomes a threat
A threat that I might be exposed
Exposed to tho...

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Heart beating fast asking, begging, praying, for it to slow down

It can't take the pain of being in love

A love that is impossible, a love that is gone

So she takes a hit, and then everything moves so slow

Her heart calms down and she forgets the pain 

The clouds fill her lungs and she takes a final breathe

Her heart calms down and the pain is no more 


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painstoner poetry life madnessloveheartbreakimpossible

Melting Heart

Melting away on my he inside is a heart so pure that shouldve never seen this fire. It should have never felt the flames jump from excitement as they found more to scorch. 

It should've never been known how fire is used as a way to produce quicker results, for then it would've never let the flames dance underneath or start to let the flames grow, beginning at his feet. 

Slowly over time, the...

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I Need You

I'm always thinking about the day we first met,

It's definitely something that I'll never forget,

The first thing I remember was that gorgeous smile,

It left me dumbstruck and uncontrollably docile,

The next thing I noticed were those glistening blue eyes,

I was lost in my thoughts dazed and hypnotized,

How does God put so much beauty into one thing?

I thought she was an angel...

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Why Would You Do That?

I’ve got callouses
I’m covered in scars
I’m broken inside
So loving me is hard

You kissed my fingers
My heart pounded so hard
You bathed me in love
And now i can’t get up my guard

It just seems so easy for you
Even after all we’ve been through
You told me you didn’t want to lose me
So how are you being so cold
You washed away the armour that i hold
I wish that this hurt you like i...

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heartbreakangermoving onlosthurthidden feelings

Green Eyes

I held you in the dark

Your face burrowed in my breast

Your tears made my body sweat and my fingers

Clung to your hair


A smile so small grew on my lips, as you

Thanked me. 


I expect nothing from you.

And I would probably do anything for you. 

And I knew from the moment we touched. 


11am, with the sun streaming in through the window.

You lay in my lap as...

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Deconstruction Site

How many times do we take the leap
Before we realize we’ve jumped in too deep

How many times do we stop to realize 
We need to protect our insides 

How many times does this heart have to break
This love, you too shall take

He was the one,
Healing the deepest scar, 
The wound he created,
Only to tear it open again
As he twists the knife 
Churning everything inside of me

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Bull In A China Shop

Bull In A China Shop


‘all breakages must be paid for’

She told the bull in the china shop

As he stamped his hooves impatiently

And snorted through his ringed nostrils


So he tiptoed around glass cabinets

Admiring the fine white porcelain

The delicate hand painted vases

The plates and cup and saucers


Until he saw the red beating heart

Pumping rhythmically...

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napowrimo2017day29(90)bullchina shopfeelingslovecontrolheartbreakending relationships

Life Is A Slow Death (God Please Help Me)

I can't take it,

I'm only asking,

Please Lord help me,

I'm tired of relapsing,

Over and over,

My veins are collapsing,

I know you hear me,

I'm sorry for babbling,

I don't understand,

Why this keeps happening,

I'm covering the pain,

It's so everlasting,

The hurt burns deep,

It never stops dragging,

Life is a slow death,

It's truly a sad thing,

My hand...

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DeathDepressionEmptinessGiving upHating LifeHeartbreakHopelessHurtLifeLostNegative thoughtsPainRelapseSoul Crushed




My gums are bleeding again.

There’s a stack of papers that need attention

But I can’t find my glasses.

My truck is making that funny noise.


I sleep too late

Because no one wakes me.

I don’t write

I feel it’s all been said.


I find I’m repeating myself

No one takes me seriously

Your point’s been made:

I am selfish and fickle,

Say whate...

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lost lovelove poemsheartbreakregretmistakesBroken heartdisappointmentsadnessLonging

A Bracelet Of Daisies

A Bracelet Of Daisies


She made me a daisy bracelet

And twisted the stems round my wrist

We swore we would never forget

the sun slowly set as we kissed

And for a short while that was true

love blossomed like that daisy chain

but those white petals never grew

the green shoots were twisted in pain


It hurts when you’re given a heart

that unnourished withers and ...

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napowrimo2020day20daisy chaingiftloveheartbreaklost loveshakespearean sonnet

If it ain't you

If it ain't you

I don't want anyone else.

I don't want to wake up with somebody other than you next to me.

I want every day, every step I take, 

Every breath that is inhaled into my lungs,

Is dedicated to you.

And I don't want anything but your honest love in return.

I know I don't have much to offer,

I'm not the tallest,

The toughest, 

Or even the cutest.

But what...

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100 best poetry blogscan't escapeheartbreak


It is hard having faith

When you feel so much pain

It is hard to obey when you feel so betrayed

It is hard to smile and put on your pretty face

When your whole world has seems to have crumbled

But then that voice comes back to you and says , "Look how far you've come, look how strong you are!"

The voice tells you everything is going to be just fine

You breathe, close your eyes...

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betrayedfaithgodhard worked loveheartbreakhopesimplestrength

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

While he simply adored her,

And, come their exertions together,

The world became irrelevant,

Never could he altogether dismiss their loves temporary element,

Conjured from the role played by Distance,

The hated protagonist

In a novella which tells the tale,

Of a romance not fully realised,

Of loving and losing,

Of missing her

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It's been a hard day

Smiling pretending everything is fine

If I pretend it feels better

If I do it enough it hurts less

I haven't texted you all day

I haven't ran to you

I keep telling myself I don't need you anymore

I keep telling myself I don't love you

But a voice in my head keeps saying, " Be patient, be kind, show yourself self-love."

Then I look at my arm the word ...

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courageemotional painheartbreakLasting Hopeself-lovestrength



I have this urge to call you

An urge to beg you

An urge to show you I can be happy

I have an urge to tell you that I am strong

I have an urge to tell you that I agree and we're done

An urge to say I know you aren't coming back

I have an urge to stop torturing myself and finally let you be free

I say one more text that is all I need

I say one more text that is all I ...

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heartbreakLove lostpassionsadnessself-love

Is it still?

Is it still love when the cracks fill with lies?
And you know that you shouldn't crave their presence,
But they make you feel alive.

Is it still love when you long to break away?
But the notion of their absence compelles you to stay.
Is it still love when you try to forget?
But nothing will fill the void that they left.

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