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The Lodger
The Lodger
We let him in
And he stayed
He had been pleading
Out there
Wanting somewhere to stay
At first we thought he was just like all the others
Some fly-by-night who would be here then gone
But no
He wanted to hang around
He was everywhere
Into everything
He made us change our daily routine
He was probably in the kitchen (and we w...
Thursday 30th April 2020 11:54 am
Love reunited
I will always love you, we softly sighed
As we kissed and left each other's eyes
Friends forever we vowed out loud
Heart beating empty, I left not looking round
Our lives ticked over with neither of us around
Too much lost to ever meet as friends
But such deep feelings can never stay calm
Would things ever change to bring us back around
Time ticks by, daily lives pass on
...Saturday 1st July 2017 9:30 pm
Snowy Night in the Early Spring
Snowy night in
The early spring—
Winter heavy upon
My memories—
I see your figure
Approaching in the dark,
A silhouette in the snow
Against the lantern lights.
Inside, the house is warm,
Though I stand below the lintel
Watching your approach and
Feeling the chilly breeze.
The sight of you
After the long season
Of longing separation
Brings a smile to my heart.
You hesitate in the ...
Sunday 15th January 2017 2:25 pm
Gathering Winter Fuel
Gathering Winter Fuel
Return to me and bring your loving flame,
despite your sparks my kindling rarely smokes.
Without you life will never be the same..
Between us lies a frozen lake of blame,
through which only a twig of passion pokes.
Return to me and bring your loving flame.
Unless we mend our ways the fates will claim
the pyre where our prid...
Sunday 10th February 2013 12:15 pm
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