The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Today is the Tomorrow You created Yesterday

We are who we are Today because we were who we were Yesterday. We do what we do Today because we did what we did Yesterday. We will become who we become Tomorrow because of who we are Today. So, if you get stuck in who you were Yesterday, instead of Living who you are Today, then who you become Tomorrow, will be shaped more by who you were Yesterday, than who you are Today. Just to ...

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Flowers Are Yesterday

I never saw such a posy of carnations

A flush that shade rose to my cheeks

They were delivered each day at first

Before long it was every few weeks


Flowers are yesterday and I know it

Reality can cope without fine blooms

The mundane stuff is more important

Like securing a set of cheap rooms


Memories of those sprays sustain me

Even now I can smell that African l...

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Future's Past

Past has always chased Future's Present;

for Past envies its favored presence.


Mockery laced with lust

as injections plump busts.


Yet, Children of the Sun

will remain to be shunned.


Hot remains split like us

till we reach Exodus!


Hollowed we lie down deep;

your ass best wake from sleep!


Past was shiny, now played out.

Present is dying and s...

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Beauty is not seen

The mirror does not hold your reflection

Commanding instead the need for subjection

Vanity is the rule by which we live

Ruthless without the need to forgive


How long do you take looking for perfection

Beauty is real and also a distraction

Preparing ourselves for the talk of the eyes

Some words are true and others are lies


What point do we stop hiding that which we...

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Sunday always seems to be

The day my thoughts go flying free,

And times gone by return to me,

From yesterday.


A Sunday street's a bygone street

That echoes someone else's feet,

And other voices, soft and sweet,

From yesterday.


A Sunday bell's a timeless knell

That tolling has a tale to tell,

Reminding me when all was well,

From yesterday.


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