gun (Remove filter)
Tongue and Cheek
It has taken ahold of me once more.
Basking and marinating;
my life is in limbo.
At a halt,
with a glance,
Hope arises,
and then just as quickly sets as the sun.
Moments are cherished
but then despised with a gun.
Feeling the chambers loaded with each shell,
the thought it so real,
so quick,
so painless.
So easy.
But where does that leave us?
Going fo...
Friday 25th September 2015 3:37 am
Mini gun
For me there could only be one
The beautiful Dillon mini-gun
Can shoot 6000 rounds per minute
Damage really has no limit
Six beautiful long barrels
Turning anything into particles
Shear violence is the purpose
Say goodbye to the calmness
Mechanical sound is glorious
Spinning more just for badness
There is nothing that is indestructible
So big and yet beau...
Tuesday 14th July 2015 5:27 pm
It's just a way of life
said the man with the gun,
you win it or you lose it
and when all is said and done.
But the odds and the favour
can be tipped from over here
by a warm winning smile
from a boy with no fear.
They say that respect
is a game hard won
but they can't see the smile
down the barrel of the gun.
The feather on the trigger
Tuesday 12th May 2015 12:47 am
Events and Time
Events and Time
I guess my feelings don’t really matter, that I don’t need anyone by my side when I’m down or upset or depressed. Don’t you know I’m just like anyone else? Though I’m different I’m just the same inside don’t you see? Do you know how hard it is to live alone and not have anyone to care for you? And when I meet someone who I thought was special, to let her in and trus...
Sunday 26th February 2012 7:07 pm
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