The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

daydreams (Remove filter)

My Pied Piper

I drink of you often
in my day dreams
about night things.
When I'm lost and alone,
you soothe my soul
with your sweet melody
that dances on the wind
and carries me 
to a faraway place
where love never ends.

# # #

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“babe, here’s something i just wrote—i think you might like it! it goes like this:


‘the truthful glance you cast upon me felt like concrete poured into a casket
.it crushed me.
crushed me into a pulverized valentine’s card,
you know, the ones with sweet nothings smothered on a canvas donning a bleeding heart;
but this valentine’s card dared to push through to the other side of...

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daydreamsinfatuationstructured formwordplay

Daydreams -- 07/2015

Time winds down

Tick tock

As I watch the clock

Days go by 

It seems

Dreams so pristine

Staring out the window

Daring to follow

You to the horizon

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