2015 (Remove filter)
Unable to live without Love
Being in love is giving someone else your heart to do with as they please
For better or worse
Allowing yourself to be completely vulnerable with another
You're over the moon...you're happy...nothing could bring you down...nothing and no one could hurt you
It's the ones that you hold the closest that can cut you the deepest
All things must come to an end...nothing is permanent
Friday 14th June 2019 3:23 pm
A piece of my soul
half of my heart
Never could I imagine loving someone in such a way
I live for her smiles
I heart beats to hear her laugh
I hang upon her every unspoken word
Her beauty warms my pain
Her eyes drive me to earn her admiration
All for her...
My whole world for her
Before we ever even met she encouraged me to change for the better
My love for her fi...
Wednesday 12th June 2019 2:50 am
I stand half-way, darting looks, searching,
beyond the crumbling barricade.
Across the carpeted way
(blood spilt drying by the day)
we nod in turn, ammunition bared.
The first shots cannon off chipped masonry,
reverberate, the fire-doors long-smashed,
to and fro and in our heads.
I must then run – and you behind –
above all cover, towards the bullets
as they melt away...
Monday 25th January 2016 7:43 pm
Hot Air '97
The scarlet balloon lies limpid,
in tatters, spread out, ripped poppies
on the sunlit field;
amidst other flowers too, those
of children, saints, sinners, the overworked;
in dress for weekend leisure,
beyond the eaves of some high wood;
and some run across, stretched rubber
scuffed, faded, sole-imprinted.
Those that lived their names and-
saw day of fire follow d...
Sunday 24th January 2016 3:51 pm
On Ambition
A word to the wise, be of fleet foot
and still of moral creed.
Honing your witticisms for later days;
incandescent, vague, shaded faces;
locked possessions, fixed like art.
Carting away the prisoners of your youth,
telling them to turn, hands on heads;
prime and point, squint and begin the count.
Saturday 23rd January 2016 5:58 pm
Swept Paddock through Waning Light
Crept up clinging incline, and I do my brow,
the effort is no effort to glimpse,
as breath shallow dapples thought with cycles
reverberating in machete-snapped winter air,
clasping crutches of lifeless branch,
as one steadies, through a gap man-size;
the space beyond the leafy partition, all
rows of neat border, mirror of none;
deserted as dusk welcomes me.
The scen...
Sunday 17th January 2016 7:11 pm
English Epilogue
Part of this home has regressed, it has fallen
in and of its own beginning. So we take footing
on ground hallowed, kept for the rapture,
and watch as the swallows dart in and out.
See through the field-glasses, the eyes blinking
through cracked mullion, beyond frosted counterpane;
the table broken in anguish back in youth’s day,
six centuries in she wept huddled in that ...
Saturday 16th January 2016 1:41 am
The Vote of Confidence
Persistence with choked breath
is mere folly; true, here are the seeds,
black and misshapen, that I cast
To sprout in unhappy soil.
And true there is little way in which
to reach into this saintly space
and pull the perfection through.
I once tried to array myself
in the words and deeds of truth and justice.
Would that now were so, could that
complex translation ...
Friday 15th January 2016 1:02 am
You control my very mind. You have
the remote control, you keep the medicine,
you take the keys to bed.
You always say
you’ll slip into something more comfortable
when you’re hands and knees beside the bush
of red roses, trowel, gloves, sweat;
but will not give the time of day –
Upon my return
in fumbling dark I seek out a light-switch
no longer there.
Tuesday 12th January 2016 11:07 pm
Life through a Box Hedge
Creep, crawl, silent, lay beside, in sun
thick through suburb upon suburb of choked thought.
The tunnel whereupon whispers, are false rainbows.
Some say rage is justly-founded, others twist
a blind eye and sleep, stretch, lazy dogs;
dead but moving, in painted shadow.
Monday 11th January 2016 9:08 pm
Moral Arrow from Crooked Bow
The rain is found and lashes down in sheets,
dividing mimicries of certainty
for those of interested minds
(who may seek to have care
in a dry-token community).
Sanctified suns set over there
in pure districts framed by
‘near’ and ‘far’.
Licensed horror stalks a street
whereupon the homeless they may
raise a stake.
I seek nothing, in bare-boned form,
Sunday 10th January 2016 12:14 am
The Nationalists
Delve deep, they dream, into artifice.
Leaking canisters of outrage,
the reflected torpor outside every garden shed.
Signs are written and held up
at intervals, proclaiming mute wisdoms:
They do not waste breath on the
one central chain that drags their feet
through disaster and tragedy:
Nor do they arrange words as
...Friday 8th January 2016 11:47 pm
Tomorrow's Freedom
I do not dream of a freedom for the morning
I plainly know of it, and it knows all.
Before the greying dawn fully evaporates,
there’s water here, and fruit from the tree,
the shadows interminable, as the falling years are leaves
swept back from some autumn memory.
And true that path will clear, bedecked by hedge and lawn,
and the sun then grows a brilliant white,
shining on...
Thursday 7th January 2016 7:28 pm
Village Gothic
Those boughs that bend in the wind,
flustered, flapping, mirror a mind
crocheted, closed for solar influence
in wasted lands of blasted heath.
The droll footsteps of the flocks
come winding, paths shorn, cris-crossing.
Letters delivered through the post-box
now leaning, drunk-angled through twigs
that break as the snap of bones
through winter’s chill.
And do...
Wednesday 6th January 2016 6:03 pm
'How We Can Change the Future Together'
(May 8th 2015)
That limpid, facile phrase
Purple-edged, wind-bitten, flat
Faced up for passing feet
Eight-thirty AM, outside
The drab closed bookies
This stilled scrap facsimile lies
A just resolution, barren
Torn into four
By hands fed words other than truth
Scattered as the once-flaming candle
Pinched out, dies
Now a mere token for vaguely wandering
Tuesday 5th January 2016 11:20 pm
Dead men drift here and there on restless tides,
washed as driftwood on a rain-decked shore.
Crows pick through the detritus, crass, craven,
and seated, the ministerial detachment surveys;
parleying with thin air, tapping stones with moccasin,
etching out the masterplan, no pretence to descend
until the paths are hollowed out, bordered, lifted
with coarse luminescence to a sil...
Monday 4th January 2016 6:54 pm
Rush me off my feet and put me,
on some mute stale wasteground.
Keep several yards away and pace out
a circle around my signpost figure.
When night draws on and the first
nascent flames flicker unstable in
the near instance,
I shall know truth as you cannot.
A shadow frozen, skeletal, an endless
retreat, smeared relic of monochrome,
ever distant in the oil-washed dawn...
Sunday 3rd January 2016 12:09 am
Sound Travels
I leave by front door. Climb up, north,
beyond cardboard houses lining the route
away from the roaring city.
But, no lie, sound travels; on bridges of air,
rivers of dust, canyons delved by word and cry.
The swarming bustle echoes down centuries;
building, toil, murder, love, revolution, dying birdsong;
hate, war; the engines of humanity, channelled, set.
I walk away,...
Saturday 2nd January 2016 3:19 am
Crowd Measures
Suggestion to believe, attempts for waking
Operating in quizzed facade, holes masking
Reality, tenants streaming, marked, restless
People too proud to sign away the crust
Almost defiant, though wind and cold dent
Order in file, pattern disrupted, hard-desked
Travel through fire to freeze in fog warped
Control can't take the heart from the flame.
Sunday 29th November 2015 10:49 pm
Rain Men
White nights,
white nights...
I'm colourblind.
Kind of like to think I know
why we stand solid,
struck dumb by perennial sadness;
and the salient points,
burst like bubbles in smoked air;
clasped to the breast
that sinks as seconds lengthen
even beyond reason for purge.
Beyond the clouds that fall,
in spirals, now thick moistened rope;
we are given base,
...Monday 21st September 2015 11:41 pm
First, divide...
Weeds snake through the cracks
cramped stilled leaves beside
clot a crusted creek.
The silt turns past a corner
reflected in a straining noon.
Branches overhanging wilt
as in idle hours the flock come
scrutinise the work made waste,
and retrieve far flung
logs and stones, whittled fare
for time now dried.
And the passenger that crushed
dried leaf in ha...
Monday 21st September 2015 11:20 pm
Scene In Frame
Central Hotel - noon, sun rays
warp window table;
dust ferments,
noise erupts in waves.
Clientele fluctuate;
come, go, to, fro;
raise and drop, laugh and sigh;
fifty or more sweating, sated diners;
moving witty yarns
in widening circles.
Collection goes round.
Curt remarks
break the frisson
with a butter-knife.
Below swarming traffic
moves in stifling h...
Thursday 10th September 2015 10:55 pm
The Boathouse
You once said
that there were swans on the line,
driting in from subservient shores,
arcing in a ring of pearls.
Blood orange orb deflecting now
the attention someplace else.
We sat languidly, in placid mood;
I picked a fight with silence,
let the stone drop in the shallow lake
and waited for the star to burn up
in a crumpled far horizon.
But I only heard a tr...
Friday 26th June 2015 4:48 pm
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