The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

existentialism (Remove filter)

Best Laid Plans: An Anecdote

I had a map when I was young

Nothing special but

I swore it held my fate in

its borders and legends

Tales of what’s to come

So I clenched my fist around it

for if it was never lost,

neither could I be


One day, I found that one map

couldn’t guide me to

every destination

I longed to reach


So I procured another

and another

and another


until ...

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free verse poetryexistentialismimagerydestinydestination

The Walking Wounded

This very heart that is mine will forever remain undefinable to me

To express such a thing resembles water slipping through my fingers,

Forever you will remain a stranger to my true soul;

Were you to trace the entire relief of my heart with your finger, you still, would not know me anymore

I am a stranger to myself and to the world

You embody the essential passion of a man’s desire ...

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Humility in Mortality

Those who do not accept death

are its only real victims 


For one does not feel the current 

until he begins to swim against it

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July 2020

Find your vibe
Look for your tribe 
Listen with intention 
And learn the lessons that the universe wants to tell you 

Open your eyes 
The one in your mind 
Look for the truth 
It's all around

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Crimson ultraviolet lust

And I could fill my head with sand

to sink to the bottom of the ocean 

And wait for it land

Then soak me up 

Like nothing more than soapy water splashed against a car

Over and over

Until we sparkle with diamonds in our eyes 

And love in our hearts


Because maybe just then

We can finally realize that all good things come to an end 

That ...

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Being and Ridiculousness

In that book, Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre’s
Antoine Roquentin gets kind of freaked
Out just looking at the root of a chestnut tree.
I thought it was pretty weird at first,
Because how can you get through life
If you freak out every time you see a
Tree root or some fool thing like a tree root?

You couldn’t go on, could you? It’d just be
One crisis after another until you went
Insane and did...

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Tell me woman, who is more honest:

The face who smiles, with bright murderers standing in lines,
covertly grinning, 'love exists, but in ways',

the face who cannot smile, even if it's smiling
as his beautiful eyes, now grown up flames, increasing their shape
in a strong kiss that bends two forests,

the face who lives through a fair winter
and claims, it hasn't cried
and the banks whe...

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After Everyone is Dead

Everything that will happen has already happened.
This rain is making the grass greener and
these diseased birds are eating the garbage
from the ground.  God continues to text us
encouragement although standard messaging fees apply.

The streetlights will turn green even if
no one is there to drive away,
the bread will turn bad in the freezer
no matter how tightly you wrap it,
and I have...

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godreligionexistentialismearthnatureflowers optimism happiness

The Prime of Life

Why look for a pattern in the whole

And split the soul?

Some things just are.


I know when fate knocks

My socks off

I won’t ask why...

I’ll be very annoyed

But still- I’ll die,

Stop stock-still

Without a breath;

A fraction of a life,

A whole load of death.


Into myself and one

With the cycle of time;

I’ll become the prime.

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prime numberstheoriesno answerdeathlifemathsexistentialism

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