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We Miss You

Dear Jimbo,

On this day you left.

The Earth could no longer handle your grace, for this world can be an ugly place.

We couldn't handle your departure by ourselves. You showed us that we still have each other and that family is more than we were allowing it to be. Some of us will recoil and shrink. We look at them and we think about growth, our own extra terrestrial face as universal being...

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I fade away to nothing because you're not here. I know you exist. You're my contemporary who achieved great things. My twin flame. I want to steal you from your boyfriend by winning your heart and seducing you with my poetry. I know your language and will capture you, no matter what karma. Naomi stole David and they built something together. Trish and I will do the same. Her song...

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trishnickhis latest flamewritersongs





So me and Julie have finally split

after five months together in an up

and down and in and out relationship.

Maybe we never clicked, except at first

in the new glow of love and a special happiness.

I was too open about my past, all letters and pictures

she was free to see.

Julie was too jealous and very argumentative,

we both made errors in the...

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failed romancesinglenickjulie

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