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Bread and Roses for All (re-post with open letter to Labour NEC)

Bread and Roses for All

One swallow will not our glorious summer make,

Nor red-tied frauds, true friends of labouring folk:

No friend of mine can love Apartheid’s yolk,

More swallowed lies, our nation’s heart will break:

Britannia’s future guard, for our Children’s sake,

Compassion’s spirit we must now invoke,

Let zeal for justice fill our Hearts of Oak,

Lest fate make any ...

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North of TyneJamie DriscollWestminsterjusticelovepovertyapartheid

Our City Of Many Bridges


In 'our land', 
which retains its leafiness, 
despite how unseasonably 
a fine few are fallen.

Just beneath fury's fierce flame;
our city's many bridges
a metaphor for so much more
defiantly stand still.

I pray today, it's not just me
who hears them screaming silently
'To join together is our fate
we will not hate, we will not hate.'


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LondonHomebridgeLondon BridgeWestminsterWestminster Bridgedefianthope not hate.

proud Scots wha hae

Which ever way

the voters turn

(Robbie, river and the flame)

for Auld lang syne

they've crossed the burn

proud Scots wha hae

a land to claim.

And even if

the map's the same

and even if

Westminster rules

Scotland's braves

they've yet to tame

coz they've the oil

ye Southern fools.

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