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Bread and Roses for All (re-post with open letter to Labour NEC)

Bread and Roses for All

One swallow will not our glorious summer make,

Nor red-tied frauds, true friends of labouring folk:

No friend of mine can love Apartheid’s yolk,

More swallowed lies, our nation’s heart will break:

Britannia’s future guard, for our Children’s sake,

Compassion’s spirit we must now invoke,

Let zeal for justice fill our Hearts of Oak,

Lest fate make any of us a Daniel Blake.


Hail, men and women brave, North of the Tyne,

“Homes fit for Heroes” once were within sight,

Now Poverty’s a-knocking on your doors,

Whilst craven Cowardice abets the creep of slime.

Rise, march against the lies which our lives blight:

Proclaim: “Bread and Roses for All” within our shores.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 16th June,2023

An Open Letter to Keir Starmer & Labour NEC.


    We are astonished and dismayed that Jamie Driscoll is being prevented from being considered as Labour's candidate for the North East Mayoralty. To exclude a politician of Jamie's calibre and commitment represents a monumental own goal.


    Jamie has already proved to be an outstanding Mayor for the North of Tyne. Be it campaigning with other northern Mayors to put pressure on Westminster, or working on a cross party basis and with trade unions and communities, Jamie has always put the people of the North East first.


    Jamie's drive and leadership in negotiating a devolution deal for the North East is widely acknowledged and as trade unionists we know that Jamie is firmly on the side of working people. He has stood with workers on the picket line and he has stood with trade unionists in their campaigns for better wages, jobs and services ....


    We are calling for common sense to prevail and for Jamie to be given the opportunity to stand in the selection to be Labour candidate for North East Mayor.


    Mick Lynch - RMT General Secretary

    Mich Whelan - ASLEF General Secretary

    Dave Ward - CWU General Secretary

    Matt Wrack - FBU General Secretary

    Brian Harris - FBU North East Regional Secretary

    Sarah Woolley - BFAWU General Secretary

    Bob Monks - URTU General Secretary

    Fran Heathcote - PCS President (signed in a personal capacity)

    Dr Jo Grady - UCU General Secretary (signed in a personal capacity)

    Steve Gillan - POA General Secretary (signed in a personal capacity)

    John Hall, Dan Lister & Lester Russell - NASUWT North East Region National Executive Members

    Dr David Baines - NUJ Newcastle Branch Secretary


North of TyneJamie DriscollWestminsterjusticelovepovertyapartheid

◄ Orate Fratres - Brothers, Let us Not Prey

Souvenir Larkinesque de la Rive Gauche (et de l’Aile Gauche-seulement avec la permission des flics) ►


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Reggie's Ghost

Thu 29th Jun 2023 17:50

Uilleam...I agree that millions suffered under apartheid's YOKE

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 23rd Jun 2023 17:22

Fashion? Consider the context to refer to a particular style
confined to a particular mental/political attitude without the broader benefit of good humour.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 23rd Jun 2023 10:39

I've had a word with our local village Bobby, and with the Electoral Commission, and they agree that seeing as how we fought at least one World War for freedom, we're allowed to talk about politics in poetry.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 22nd Jun 2023 18:45

Apartheid's yolk?

Yep-that's how hypocritical Stalinists get egg on their faces.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 22nd Jun 2023 18:37

Which candidate's that then RG? - don't be afraid to name names!

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 22nd Jun 2023 18:04

"...a platform for
political canvassing in this fashion,..."

What fashion might that be then MC?😐

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Greg Freeman

Wed 21st Jun 2023 23:17

There are some very strong feelings about this issue up here in the north-east, among my new poetry friends.

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Reggie's Ghost

Wed 21st Jun 2023 22:23

Apartheid's yolk???!!!

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Reggie's Ghost

Wed 21st Jun 2023 21:38

I agree with MC.

A candidate getting the backing of multiple union bosses...the kiss of death surely?

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 21st Jun 2023 21:00

I confess to an uncertainty about WOL being a platform for
political canvassing in this fashion, whatever the convictions
involved. "Over the top" is a phrase that comes to mind.

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