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useless (Remove filter)


My heart has never loved
and will never be loved.
My heart has been shattered
to many times to keep track.
My heart has been let down
through dreams and hopes
of someone actually loving me.
It has dwindled. It has hardened.
And now my heart is useless.

My heart was once strong though now its not
because of all the damage i had let happe...

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deathlifelessforever sleepnever wakeuselessnever loved

New Year - New Beginnings


All we can do makes no difference
All that we see makes it worse
All that we feel is more pain
All that we say is useless
All that we are is dust
All that we want is
Impossible unless
We take the
First step.



I know that I loved you,
And more than a little,
But now you are gone.

I feel...

Too heartless to beat,
Too lonely to need,
Too empty to c...

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