The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fenrir (Remove filter)

Glimpse of Doom

The Middle-World,
consumed by strife,
and ice.
Brothers defile sisters,
fathers murder sons,
the Great Winter,
spares no one.

Bonds burst,
and hatred,
poisons his mind.
The Sly One,
slips free from his,
sorrowful bonds.
Revenge he will seek.
Blood he will spill.

The Wolf runs free,
the Nine Worlds sundered.
The Great-Devourer,
born from Deceit and Anger,
shall consume existe...

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RagnarokLokiLokeFenrirFimbulwinterOdinVolvaFenrisulfrFenris Wolf.

Twilight of the Raven God

In the distance I see him there,
smile spreading cross face,
hate and fire filled eyes,
he will be my demise.

With a mighty roar,
he advances.
Earth shaking as he sprints,
My fate is sealed.

I spur my steed,
Steel my nerves,
Focus my eye on the Wolf,
Knowing I will die,
I am calm.
My aim is true,
I throw the Swaying One,
and the Wolf yelps in fury.

Blinded is he,
by spear an...

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Famous WolfFenrirFenris Wolf.GungnirHeathen PoetryOdinOne EyeRagnarok

The Bound One

Banished for an act not committed,

I am cursed by my fate,

A prophecy they said,

foretold by the Norns,

of me devouring Allfather.


Cursed I am,

by my blood.

Son of Chaos,

Mischief was expected,

I am not one for tricks,

Despite my wily father.


Cursed I am,

by my strength

and pride.

They used this against me,

told me it was a test of strength.


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FenrirFenris WolfGleipnirLokiNorse MythologyOdinRagnarokThorTrickeryTyr

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