The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Play in the Night

Play in the Night

                      --Michael Kwack



From two o’clock

When owls hoot

Up to four when cocks crow

Surely I will be kept awake,


To watch the secret play

Of the conscious and unconscious.


However, I will not see

The queer performance inside me

As a mere dream in the night.


If I long for better plays,

More will I wander during the day,


The door of thought closed,

The window of sense opened,

Reeling on through the street,

Facing everything, until worn out,


For that will make the play at night

A much more splendid one.


Then all I have to do is sit

On the border of sleeping-awaking,

And open all my eyes and ears,

Only to wait, with no words.


Once I have known that on the inside

I have the scenery, much flashier

Than the fires in the black firmament

On rainy and windy summer nights,


Perhaps never will I feel

Alone and lonely ever again.



◄ Putting Out the Lamp

Résumé ►


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Michael Kwack

Tue 29th Dec 2020 14:09

Shifa, Ghazala, Aviva,
Thank you all
for liking, and hitting the like.

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Michael Kwack

Tue 29th Dec 2020 14:03

Quite right.
I think I will rise and raise a glass to toast
to all the eternal,
and the going and coming.
Thank you again Paul.

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Michael Kwack

Tue 29th Dec 2020 12:58

Thank you Paul
for dropping in and lines off here,
letting me feel welcomed back
from months of vacation.

M. (A.G.)

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