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Black Sheep And White Clouds

You're a steady stream of bad choices waiting to happen.

The eye of the storm, or the calm before it?
What's the difference?
It's going to ruin you anyway.
You're a constant trickle of water, wanting to make noise but too scared to do it.
Because you're a puppet controlled by strings.
Water controlled by the trap.

I wish my life was like a game show where you press the buzzer and you're...

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sad poemspoemself loathinglovepassionpainself hateblack sheep

I Hate You.

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
That's all I can say for now.
You're selfish, you're heartless and nobody wants you around.

Why would anyone ever like a selfish cow like you.
An inconvenience, a burden and a terrible person to be, too.

I wish I could forgive you but I can't stand your sound.
You're pathetic, you're ugly...please just don't come around.

You can cover your ears and ...

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self loathingself hateanxiety



 is not yet an old soul. Such apprenticeship has not yet begun.

Studiously she watches as you cite your second hand wisdom. 

Bested by her innocence,  such familiar nostalgia withers like the thick layer of dust it hides beneath.

Shaken and bruised like brine against an ice cube,  the vermouth of your ideals is poured into an ill fitting glass.

Left feeling dirty you turn to d...

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Shehebreak upself loathingheartbreaksplitheartacherevaluationgrowth

The Poison becomes Sweeter

Like a Viper in  the Mind

It slithers chillingly inside the brain

The unfortunate one senses its growing presence

As it sinks its venom deep int o the subconscious

Making the bitterness taste sweeter

The soul becomes lost as the venom takes hold

Self loathing and resentment manifest in the poison

Until in  desperation decisions are made

To seek help and self comf...

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Depressionsuicideself loathing

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