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living right (Remove filter)

Small Victories

Taking to the ocean
distance put between
my flippant will
and things to conquer
heart beasts
tugging at my sleeve

Turning, turning, turning
from that incessant chasing
the bay recedes, city lights 
swallowed by the horizon
heart beasts
circling overhead

Test me, am I strong enough?
I try not to be broken
daily trials so choking
can I survive them?

At night, rocking in the wav...

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addictionaddictionshonestyliving right


You only get 1 chance at first times,

First kiss, first love, first beer, first rhyme.

A new first day, every day you wake up,

A million first impressions, a hundred new haircuts.

One hundred and one won and lost bets,

A thousand people unmet, still strangers, yet –

Why do we walk around with eyes on the ground,

Perpetual frowns casting furtive glances around?

Afraid to mee...

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appreciating lifeliving rightlove passion


The world hold many mysteries, ful of different meanings

Life is like a flower be holding many secret yearning to reveal.

What you see is what you get, it's growth depends on how you feed it.

The spring of  beautiful petals is a result of nurturing, the weariness of others is as a result of neglect.

All flower tell a different tale

There's no flower without a few thorns along its ro...

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Flowerlifeliving right

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