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Inside her closet are the remains of a broken umbrella with the materials in cinders.


Her skin cloak is draped over a spindley coat stand,

most people name it a spine,

most people's are strong,


They carry the puppet as if a master holding strings...


But sometimes autum's trees fall down

without reason

because nature is flawed.


Sometimes a stem can't hold a bud

but the wonderful thing is that the bud can still blossom.


She keeps the battered umbrella inside of her closet because,

though it no longer shelters her from the rain,

it can still fit in her hand, swing for balls and hit for others

to protect her limp and twisted coat stand.


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Candice Reineke

Sun 26th Oct 2014 21:22

Beautiful, Alexandra. Great imagery and levels of meaning. "though it no longer shelters her from the rain, it can still fit in her hand..."...good stuff! :)

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