The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

confessions (Remove filter)

An Innate Confession

Fascinating oscillation by the ears,

This patience has been nurtured in year,

Pink glow to everything; cheers!

Reactions mix of delight & tears.


The first look was captivating & sojourn,

The trauma deepened as I did own…

The precious sweetness of her moan,

She is still very much unknown.


She travels in the air, her voice illuminates…

She dwells in the hearts, e...

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This pain in the darkness…

It came to sudden eve to blaspheme the torment of branch through the quintessential. 

It took through the walls the solidity of ghost stories mending soul with ethereal strings and fire.

The amplitude of dust from centuries ferments in my body as life.

And, the blood seeps from the willow trees within pen as ink.

Playing into fruition heart chords drizzled...

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At the interview, she said,

“These are some designs I’ve been

Working on since I got out of jail.”


On his dating profile, he said,

“I’ve finished the last course of antibiotics

And feel I’m ready to date again.”


At dinner, she confessed,

“I listened to a Justin Bieber song to see what it was

And I ended up listening to the entire album.”


At the office sexu...

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I Found Where Ponce De Leon Happily Drowned

I Found Where Ponce De Leon Happily Drowned


Under the dim, natural lighting of a celestial fortress forever far away
I burned my confessions into my arms.
The ashes blackened my skin; the sting was partly pleasing.
I rambled about the greatness of man’s insignificance and called it quits.
He took back his lighter and went inside
while I waded through the valley of ashes to my bike.


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