The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Been called a jabroni

for lighting a stogie.

Inhaling the relief,

exhaling my grief.

Dawn, August 13, 2023.

On my stoop I sit breathing

the aroma of the leaf.

Smoke caresses my cheek.

I inhale the thick smog,

my lungs give a cough.

Enjoy the taste of the leaf.

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marlboro menthol (07/26/2023)

it's 12 degrees
and the marrow cools:

we catch  --
breaths hitched
 to a cataclysmic gait
a crooked pace:
while you wait

god's sticky magazines 
pages pregnant 
with guilt
the ilk of resplendent idleness
of abandonment
in this blind-eye of a city, turned 
to rot, mitotic
a car crash of ashamed sex
but it's just too good 
to be any other way .


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Candlelit Cigarette

All these new things, 


Time passes through me like a breeze - 

But the hours feel like eternity. 

These cigarettes hurt me, 

But I can still breathe - 

My heart skipping beats - 


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You come to me when I least expect it,

As my thoughts, idle, spiral into the inky darkness which envelops me


Rising in a euphoria of hazy violet, unanchored, until you materialise, suspended above me, 

Drawing them around you, immersing yourself in the haze, as you

Drown me in hazel and poison me with possibilities, each more fantastic than the last;

Tumbling into my thoughts, ...

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AnterosLoveGayunrequited lovecigarette

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