The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

busy (Remove filter)

Mindfulness calling

There's a phone at my work

And you might think me a berk

But it calls me from a mindful zone

A place I like to visit alone


Ear to the top

As sounds fizzle and hop

It is a direct line

To feeling fine


I hear wind, birds, hussle and bustle

A universe unexplored in the rustle

Even in short bursts, it quenches my thirst

Distorting my mind toward what's first


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The Battle of a Busy Mum

The alarm is set for some ridiculous hour

Just so I have time to shower

Before my little one wakes up bright

Even tho she was up half the night!

Time for hot coffee that I need

Can't live without my caffeine feed

I check my phone to see what's occurred

Out there in the adult world

On Facebook I see what friends are doing 

One up a mountain, one canoeing

I also live ou...

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Not on my side.  Biding.

Race against.  Relations

With time are contrary.

I’d have plenty, do what


I’d like; disappointed,

I must use time wisely,

Lest I run out.  Demands

On mine mean diaries


Show choc-a-block days, no

Time for self amidst my

Commitments.  Spacing out

Appointments, setting time


Aside to use as my

Own, I run short.  Only

So ...

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