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// My Unshakable Anchor //

To Akshita,


You are my cousin, but those words don’t define
The bond we share, rare and divine.
More than family, you’re my truest friend,
A place where my chaos finds its end.

In childhood, you stood a little apart,
But time wove you deeply into my heart.
You didn’t play, we were just two names,
Yet now, we are one in life’s vast games.

Now you’re the one who sees my soul,

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You ask if I'm okay,
because I am 
unusually quiet 

I'm just trying to keep memories 
behind the flood gates
so they don't sweep me away
to a dark place.

Thank you for being my escape,
a bright light,
my way home, 
my touchstone. 

Your love helps ease the pain.
I don't mean to push you away.
There are so many things I want to say,
but I must go, feed Jake. 


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You'll never know how much I want you
You'll never know how much I need you
You'll never know how much it hurts 
to see you in his arms.

Why I pretend not to see,
all these texts you send to me.
Why I decline all your invites,
when I used to see you every time.

He knows I'm your best friend,
he asked about you again.
There's just one thing he doesn't know,
you're the one my heart fo...

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unrequited lovelove poetrybestfriends

So here's a shot for freedom, although why should i pretend. With a broken heart inside me, and the drugs im getting in.., theres a bottom to this bottle, and along with all my friends. we can make it in this world, just as being bubs till the end.

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