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berlin (Remove filter)

Hamburg Tram

We met in Berlin when the wall was crumbling

Two students amid the chaos of living history

It was like war-time only in reverse

How we lunged at each other was no mystery

Marriage was just a matter of course

Then our careers upset the apple-cart

You went on business back to Berlin and stayed

Leaving me with the kids and a broken heart


You'd altered little but for a fro...

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hamburg tramBerlinWallFall

Weekend Quest

Good morning campers

 Time for more ramblings from my mind, spewing forth on the page like a student at a house party. Something a bit more story based from me this time, Inspired by a recent trip to Berlin and a simply amazing club called Weekend. I think the poem tells you everything else you need to know.


Weekend Quest

Low lit square at 3AM
Carriage pulls up
Exchange m...

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Berlin read live in gullivers manchester july 5 2012



We’re going to Tango in Berlin, in the bar where we met. You the nice lady called Becca who has your parents’ names tattooed on your hand. How quaint in 21st Century Berlin, Europe’s second best city, after London. I saw your ink and knew you wanted more.                                                                                                    

I got my tattoo gun ...

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berlinguy and galtattoosclub






This high brick wall borders East and West, a Cold War frontier that symbolises the divisions between two mindsets. A time of paranoia and of being taken away in the night, soldiers only following orders, you’re going to the East, not to be seen again as you’re an enemy of the state, Stassi style.

For those who resist and fight there is only one option, elim...

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brick wallberlinhistory20th centurygermanycold warworld wars

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