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Triolet (Remove filter)

Plague Mantra

Plague Mantra


We know that going out is wrong

and socialising would be worse,

so stay at home where we belong.

We know that going out is wrong,

avoid, like plague, the milling throng

to help the doctor and the nurse.

We know that going out is wrong

and socialising would be worse.

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napowrimo2020day 12trioletsocial distancingcovid 19mantra

I Loved And Loved- A Triolet

I loved and loved with all my heart

Yet I was not loved back.

My full house of scarlet fell apart

I loved and loved with all my heart

Blind faith's a solitary art

'n I failed to see my Jack was black

I loved and loved with all my heart

Yet I was not loved back.       

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How Could I Ever Be So Blind

How could I ever be so blind

To miss what was so plain to see

If I unlocked my shackled mind

How could I ever be so blind

With open eyes I’d surely find

Such love I thought could never be

How could I ever be so blind

To miss what was so plain to see

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On Top!



The Foxes are top of the league
It is all down to Richard III.
They're showing no signs of fatigue
The Foxes are top of the league!
Those foreigners watch with intrigue
It's Leicester, this seems so absurd
The Foxes are top of the league?
Is it all down to Richard III?

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I struggle to be – as I see.

Lies become truth-ingrained.

Reality branches snapped from life's tree.

I struggle to be – as I see.

How I long for us all to be free,

though in sentience I'm pained.

I struggle to be – as I see.

Lies become truth-ingrained.

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