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Short Funny Poems (Remove filter)

The Greatest Ever…. Cup and Ball Trick

The trick of the cup and ball 

Starts with a vanish and reappearance

From oranges, lemons and even a baseball

Teleport to a cup, that the audience cheer 

The magicians face says it all 

No wonder magic is a great career 


But instead of stopping he continues the act 

As he is now handcuffed, bound and strapped.

He repeats the words that makes himself... vanish once more...

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magiccupandballtrickpoetryhumourShort Funny Poems


A tale of a boy who lived by destruction

New toys at Christmas they'd break when he'd touch them

If the label said keep dry then no doubt it got wet

He scratched dvds and danced on his train set


He'd climb any height to get were was needed

Danger keep out but this boy proceeded


If he couldn't go through it  he went over or under

Mayhem on school trips  made sun turn ...

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Brokebroken poetrynaughtinesstransformationhealingstoryShort Funny Poems

My New Pet

Today I caught a glimpse of my new pet

Although officially we have not met yet

It really is quite small

The weasel in my wall

Never shall we meet, I should place a bet

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Short Funny Poems

Never cast a clout

The saying goes, never cast a clout

until the last day of May is out

May has now gone

every day the sun shone

June brings cold rain, ending May's drought


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Short Funny Poems

My left hip

Why does it hurt so much? my left hip

Lately it has given me a lot of jip

Sometimes I groan

And let out a moan

The hospital, I fear, will be my next trip

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Short Funny Poems

I Potted A Long Red

I Potted A Long Red

I potted a long red and gave out a scream,

as it was the best shot that I'd ever seen.

Still needing 8 snookers, I thought this could mean

the start of a comeback. The best that there's been!

I needed to focus and not start to dream,

as my best ever break was only sixteen!

I potted the black and gave out a scream

as I'd aimed for the green in the wo...

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REM's Premonition

The letter ‘E’ fell off the sign at the Globe Inn
striking the landlord and making him sick.
He will recover, but the pub is soon shutting.
It’s the end of the world as we know it!




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The End of The World As We Know ItShort Funny Poems

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