Calming Mellowness
This mellow season wrought of change
Turns a fragile moment on its potter’s wheel
Pale sunshine clasping the ripple of leaves
The gallop of muscular cumulous
Migratory flights of wintering exiles
Summoned by generations of calling
Polished light and liminal shadows
Rise perfect from eloquent spinning
Finish the form with satisfied fingers
Sweep spu...
Monday 16th September 2024 10:01 am
England, or To England
I: Order
Spruce features sculpted through the burnished years
with metronome concision; ancestral tones
refined in leafy schools, the polished enclaves made
to replicate advantage life on shining life,
the bright unstated goal to which all efforts tend.
At one with old cathedrals, abbeys, Inns of Court
and sybaritic garments trimmed with golden braid;
despite their blood...
Sunday 16th July 2023 3:18 am
Closed Theatre: Burnage Garden Village Players, 1912-2020
It strode across a century, enduring wars,
The shifts of fashion and the scorns of time,
A post-war enclave of a simpler age; but
Not the gulf of Covid, short but absolute.
Once, summer evenings in this noon-cool hall
Filled hours with ice-cream, raffles and applause
As year-worn boards upheld performances
And eager actors tried their ways with words
And chill Oct...
Saturday 26th March 2022 11:45 am
Washed Out to Sea
Anchors away
These islands must move
Sever all ties and drift
Across widening waters
Legal, commercial, historic
Chains wrench apart
Snap and drop soundless
Into deepening tides
Aloof and unbonded
Washed out to sea
This Ghost Ship nation
Drifting to nowhere.
Tuesday 13th August 2019 7:55 am
Hardened Poets
Neither cold night nor seasonal change
on the turning Earth dismays or hampers them
Veterans of words hold fast in all weathers
Never retreating, ever writing victories
Impassioned by an urgent inner voice
They hold fast to their poetic purpose
Drawing strength from years, they fight on
Never dimmed or surrendering to silence.
Tuesday 9th October 2018 11:20 am
The Master - for Carlos Ezquerra, 1947-2018
His hand and eyes he lent to us
For almost five and forty years,
He gave us childhood, hope and truth
And visions of our darkest fears
Exotic heroes, distant times
And swirling planets far away -
He coloured thoughts and drew our dreams
And showed to us another day
He honed his subtle craft like steel
Eschewing easy, common things
And shaped through art our ...
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 12:35 am
Cloth and Club
Bare minimum defence from ice age gales
Black frozen sabre-toothed nights
Hard scratching twigs, unwanted gazes
And chilly waters.
Sheer primitive offence for snared rabbits,
Wild hungry wolves and bears;
Vague weighty threat for rivals, offspring
And difficult women.
Monday 13th August 2018 10:32 pm
Five Sheets to the Wind
Wild reassembled words fly spinning everywhere, -
Tossed thoughts relinquish a lifetime’s memories;
A distant lighthouse, leagues from here or anywhere, -
A florid ego drenched in half tautologies;
Where does he tarry now, who never came on time
To share his tangled thoughts and parodies of rhyme?
Tuesday 15th May 2018 8:11 am
The Void is Cast
Whether it was going to an all boys' school,
Growing up in a religious subculture,
Having parents that didn't let you develop
Or provided no template for living
Say you are one of those guys that missed out
On intimacy in your teenage years
How do you ever recover?
Laying in bed lonely for all those nights.
Not even having dates with girls your age.
No girlfriend.
Sunday 15th April 2018 2:23 am
Missing Out
Sneaking out at night to lie with your virgin girlfriend under the stars.
Seeing her face in the crowd at your High School football game.
Having a huge group of jock friends.
You never experienced any of that.
It's over. You lost at life.
Time to man up and become a provider.
Time to downsize and save for retirement.
Time to Gillette shave your face and become...
Thursday 16th November 2017 11:37 pm
The Red Pill (found poem)
Monday 2nd May 2016 6:48 pm
Tonsil Wonderland
Frankie and Johnny, post-War adventurers
Will go where programmed masses never dared before;
'Man, we're gonna do it! Let's live with resolution;
'In fifty years there's nothing anymore.'
Saturday 9th April 2016 10:51 pm
Secret Sixties
Heavy bourgeois stone
Composed of music, Pop Art
Cult of youth, sexual reform
Love rhetoric
Hides darker truth of
Racist chants, stiff-armed salutes
Gas mimed through hissing teeth
Bananas hurled from terraces
At startled, spittle-slicked forwards
Boys raped in children’s homes
Voiceless class
Prey for the Great and Good
Gagged tight for decades
...Sunday 13th December 2015 2:36 pm
Savour the Fall
Outside a warm room
In some middle-class place
Tramps starve
Children drown
Economies crumble
Nations arm
Wars rage
Powers fall
People mourn
Debts mount
Rapists prowl
Fools pray
Cars crash
Victims weep
Wounds bleed
Madmen rage
The kettle clicks.
A steaming latte
Warms contented lips.
Saturday 21st November 2015 9:45 pm
Atlas Shrugged
Withdraw consent Let names die
Watch grass grow Unplug connections
Miss dates Release beasts
Drop burdens Fuck whores
Tear up ballots Ignore pleas
Shun duty Waste talent
Get drunk Get high
Forget things Go your own way ...
Saturday 21st November 2015 9:43 pm
Vernon Hall
Eliminate bad displays, old gems and useless information.
Remove archaic paintings, drench them in petrol and set the pile alight.
Place modern art by living hands on every wall, in every space.
Add iMacs, PCs, laptops and wireless transmitters to facilitate global engagement.
Drive underclass offspring from the gardens and racists from the coffee-tables.
Tuesday 9th June 2015 6:35 am
Place of Power
Birdsong filled the deeps of summer. The blue sky rang with shrill excitement as golden sunshine flashed off the murky water. Many emotions filled him - nostalgia for the days before pollution, regret for the river as it was. He inhaled the unmistakable scent of damp sand, sharp and sultry. He picked up a round grey stone, remembering voices from his youth, and skimmed it over the water. Presently...
Tuesday 9th June 2015 6:29 am
On the Cards
Royal Flush:
Prep School
Eton College
Oxford University
Prime Minister.
Busted flush:
Somewhere else
Stockport Jobclub
Wednesday 10th December 2014 8:48 pm
A for Apathy
Are we just too lazy to stir,
toil and breed?
Too fey to strive for life,
our own and others'?
I guess we are.
So why knock immigrants?
Who else will clean our incontinent beds
when we are old and sad?
Friday 22nd August 2014 1:00 pm
Return of the Will
Will lurks somewhere
in all our indecision.
A will too weak to stir
our flesh to action.
A will enfeebled
by the trials of youth.
A will deformed
by dirty songs and dreary.
What will steel the will
this world has robbed us of?
We need a war
to steel the will again.
Friday 22nd August 2014 12:55 pm
Years flow by
unpinned by indecision;
to study or not;
women or not;
work or not;
conformity or not;
drugs or not;
to bother or not;
suicide or not.
Friday 22nd August 2014 12:51 pm
Hidden Source
Here meet the rivers.
Goyt and Tame entwine
like destined lovers.
Here beneath
classless sixties concrete
the Mersey rises.
No one sees
this source of songs,
life itself.
We hid the source
and gave our river
to the scousers.
Thursday 14th August 2014 4:42 pm
The Roads: Heaton Moor Road
Pass down the road where traffic never sleeps
And find, perchance, a building on your right:
A scottish bank, as white as dirty snow.
Turn down the quiet road that runs beside,
Through leafy arbours and their dappled shades
And taste the gentle aura of this place:
A breeze serene, a blush of deeper peace.
And then the railway leaps across our path;
A gleaming scr...
Sunday 7th July 2013 1:03 pm
Kultur Kampf
Plebeian culture wanders out and proud –
The cult of drugs; discordant music jams;
Moronic rap and savage hip-hop ‘slams’:
Unchecked emotion snarled in hate aloud.
Now I, for one, take quite another view
and give plebeian culture not a glance;
mere childish chaff born of unhappy chance,
a savage skit to which scant praise is due.
But why is it esteemed, and...
Tuesday 2nd July 2013 2:02 am
Cod Consensus (more Myth-Pricking)
We smelt the piles of rubbish in the street
and read by candles in the freezing dark,
we watched for Nazi skinheads in the park
and heard the moan of Britain's long defeat.
The old paternalism kept us down
in triple-binds of accent, race and creed;
and yet we thought we nurtured hope indeed,
though dreams of aspiration went unknown.
And then the old consensus passed away
with ...
Sunday 21st April 2013 5:12 pm
Stockport WoL August Collage Poem
Out of the frame comes hollow art,
Fly as high as life will let you
One hug means all the world to me
Things aren't always what they seem,
Clothing as well as beauty can be skin deep.
Things tatter in dreams
Like soaked pieces of paper
A brave sun struggles to penetrate the clouds
Red stilettos on the pier
A deck chair with no pr...
Monday 13th August 2012 9:47 pm
Shakespeare's Aunties (Stockport WoL Collage Poem)
Fun by numbers; birds loom, weather threatens.
The naked jogger eyes the eagle's wings.
Walking on egg-shells
Breaks me up
Senses erotic with words
And the ghost of memory writes his name
You do it to make the story work.
Wednesday 18th July 2012 9:37 am
10 PM Saturday night.
Sunday morning.
On the path between the two.
- log Reference - 597 date 25th
Tuesday 3rd July 2012 9:08 am
Little Sound (Stockport WoL Cheddar-Poem)
A sonnet drowns in love.
Patterns in Nature cling to crystal zones:
This singular look on your face
In this time and place,
Touching on the distance but never nearer the truth
Moving wedding poem gives weight to sentiments -
A wind of change blows through the trees
Holiday antics
Away from prying eyes
Of neighbours, parents and friends;
The yo...
Tuesday 12th June 2012 7:54 pm
Giving (Stockport WoL Collage Poem)
Pulse to pulse, drowning in feathers
Swept by tides of love all moonful midnight,
In the sea and sand having
A pint and potatoes with no salt,
Love is sweet whilst it travels
Close to each other and nature
Together we share time
And time in turn shares us
The pain of recognition bites
Like the rail tracks turning, turning…
Streaks ...
Friday 8th June 2012 2:42 am
February 2012 Stockport WoL Collage Poem
Strong families keep the memory of the nest alive
Music and life lasts a lifetime,
And each cloud holds a smile
I’m cold and thinking about John Denver for a while
Listening to the tumbling words that spin
I’m on the asparagus spectrum
And what with where-withal and where-without we face
And poets, when called to hate,
Are drawn to hope and love...
Tuesday 14th February 2012 12:51 pm
January Write Out Loud Collage Poem
Tonight is the night
These boots are made for show
Written by an indignant hand,
More dignified than mine
Thin as wire, quick as fire
Quick as swallows backward in the night
A peacution freeze
In the midnight breeze
And to that wretched end,
We sold our souls
New beginnings, novel readings
Mindless mercies
Monday 16th January 2012 11:07 am
Merry Xmas to All
The feast of Yule returns again
With glad and merry times;
The bells are ringing out for you
Their joyous, cheery chimes.
Friday 23rd December 2011 1:51 pm
December II - Stockport WoL Collage Poem
Silver shadow,
Rue the falling sand
Come walk the nights with me
Poetic illness when growing,
Living and loving
Then laughing
The warmth of my love
Will keep you warm.
Monday 19th December 2011 12:16 pm
December - Stockport WoL Collage Poem
Quick to temper,
Know you and me
Oh, child – open your eyes!
Stark, the herald angels pose
Clear night,
Stark crescent moon
Stars bright like jewels
In dark,
What do you see?
Think of what you don’t see
To really understand me.
Monday 19th December 2011 12:14 pm
November II - Collage Poem Created by Stockport WoL
Wednesday 7th December 2011 10:31 am
November - Collage Poem Created by Stockport WOL
Wednesday 7th December 2011 10:30 am
Read Out Loud, Monday 11th July
Just a reminder about our Read Out Loud event tomorrow at Stockport Art Gallery in the fine creative setting of the Open Contemporary Art Exhibition. Non-regular attendees have to book a place via the Gallery (0161 474 4453). The event starts at 7.15 PM but attendees should try to arrive by 7.00 PM.
A microphone, laptop and projector will be provided for those wishing to provide a multimedi...
Sunday 10th July 2011 10:33 am
The Pit
Some fragments:
"The Pit is such a place, where peerless deeds
Are writ with potent wyrd, and heroes wild with passion
Stake all on their steel-resolve, certain of God's grace."
"You must have drained a dog ere daring that, you cur!"
Said Loco-Man - the leader, called the Lord of Pain.
"Now heed, who has not heard the hoary truth:
We fought a fearsome for...
Saturday 6th March 2010 11:50 am
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