Pandora's Box (Remove filter)
Pandora's Box
Pandora’s Box
barbeques and beaches
your own little playground
complaining about others
who sit in your space
that schools are reopening
while little Johnny plays
with his mates in the park
lighting a fire
to cremate your pork chops
on the grass and heathlands
where sparks are bullets
leaving B&Q
with a six foot mirror
Monday 1st June 2020 2:11 pm
I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be
I sliced the sun into two
And looted shimmering bars of gold
Which lined her womb,
Her beloved broods I stole.
I plucked the sturdiest mountains,
The choicest adornments on the face of the globe.
All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained,
Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.
I remember the sea that like Moses I parted
And the ocean floor ...
Tuesday 19th May 2020 2:03 pm
Pandora (late again)
Puff, pant, puff pant
Oh dear, I'm late for the competition.
Why am I always (puff) late? (pant)
I must hurry, they might (gasp) let me in (pant)
Nearly there. Come on Pandy you can do it.
Oh dear, now look what I've done,
spilled everything.
And grazed my elbow.
Has anyone got a plaster?
Wednesday 2nd June 2010 6:50 am
Pandora's Box - Review
Where do we begin, indeed? Pandora’s Box surpassed our wildest expectations, providing all with a selection of thoroughly entertaining poetry. Opened on May18th with an inauspicious walk down Gropecuntelane, the box closed on May 30th, shut tightly by the hand of Epimetheus himself! Between those dates 26 of our finest poets pitched in to thrill, enthral, amuse, bewitch us all, each with thei...
Tuesday 1st June 2010 8:53 am
Pandora's Legacy
Mind over matter
is the key
and so
with will of iron
the ills that she set free.
The world implodes
to fill an empty cask
tossed like flotsam
to a hostile sea
heavy lidded
sealed with sorrow
weighted with
unspoken words -
the water swallows…
Trembling from exertion
relief pervades
This day will u...
Sunday 30th May 2010 10:40 am
Pandora's Box
I'll tell of a greek tragic heroine;
She was known as Pandora by name;
A quiet lass who didn't go out much,
A bit like the Oh lympic flame.
Zeus had commissioned Pandora,
The first lady made from the earth.
He was really quite pleased with the outcome;
Far less messy, he thought, than a birth.
Some say that Zeus craved a companion;
Some say it was...
Thursday 27th May 2010 5:03 pm
Pandora's Box
Pandora’s Box
nonsense words -
ideas already
spineless words that fret the tapestry of Truth’s
all woven into what?
Thursday 20th May 2010 12:26 pm
Pandora's lost Box
To listen to their laughter
was almost too much
like listening to a row of dominos
crashing down in totally
the wrong order.
To listen to their laughter
was almost too much
like listening to the waves
from the nearby coastline
choking itself to death.
Two beautiful young women
swinging cigarettes and beer
Thursday 20th May 2010 8:08 am
Pandora's Box
Wednesday 19th May 2010 11:31 pm
pandora's jar
I’m formed from clay
turned on the potter’s wheel.
Spinning made me
and I spin still.
Smoothed thumb and finger
and wet earth.
From honest mud,
that was my birth.
The gods made me to carry the can.
Poor womankind, to get the blame from man.
They put in my possession all the gifts
without my knowing
when the pot was raw,
that they were t...
Wednesday 19th May 2010 5:33 pm
Pandora's Box
Ah, what an excuse for a spot of doggerel!
Pandora was a punishment to man,
a tradition I feel no compunction
in continuing. A terrible thing,
a box of mockeries and silent sneers,
of saying it’s fine; really it’s nothing,
irascible mood swings, and unexplained tears.
A saleswoman of godlike dimensions
presented man with the loss leader hope,
a glossy ...
Wednesday 19th May 2010 11:23 am
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